Tuesday, December 14, 2004


Just sad today.

For those of you out there who get my "regular" updates, and so occasionally pray for me. You can pray about this.


I spoke with my mom just now. I'm so glad to be going home on Monday. Right now home feels like my safest haven. Where I can "escape" the various life changes that are occuring and hunker down in the big chair (I cried on the phone, so I think mom's sympathy will kick in and I'll get her chair for a day or so) and watch movies on the big TV, read on the patio and forget about real life for a little bit.

Now that the dam has broke on the tears, I think I may just keep crying a little all day. That's disturbing. Makes it hard to type, and my contacts are dry enough as it is...this isn't so helpful.

And its not helpful to know that some people (and even myself) would say, "Its not a sad time!" (because its not) "this is an exciting time!" (because it is) Because I can't put my finger on the exact sad points.

But I mostly think (and maybe I'm lying) that I'm simply tired. Last year I got to this point almost every Sunday durin the fall, and particularly the last Sunday of the season. By then I just couldn't hold it together any more. This season I've had to hold it together longer, knowing about Kess' announcement, trying to be bright for the guys, and confident so that they would be.

I imagine its often exhausting to be a parent and "never let them see you sweat".

I will sleep a lot when I get home I believe.

And I'm grateful for BSF and Hebrews. Because more than anything as I experience this time of change I remember that we have had GOOD times together here, but that the Lord did not intend for this to be the "be all end all" experience for any of us.

Its just a shadow of the things to come, on earth and in heaven.

I can't wait for heaven.

be blessed. T

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Of Shadows and Smallness (part 2)

So I'm studying Hebrews right now - in BSF. I'm enjoying it a ton and grateful for Leah who helps me to make it there and back each week (!).

Last week we dove into chapters 6-10 of this deep book. It was all about how Christ is superior. A superior sacrifice (once for all vs. continuous), a superior priest (always lives to intercede vs. will die), a superior sanctuary (one where we can approach the most holy place with confidence vs. one only accessible to the high priest) and a superior covenant (one that depends not on human action, but God alone and that promises total forgiveness forever).

But it was also about how all those previous pieces (priests, sanctuaries, sacrifices, etc) were all shadows compared to the real thing. They were important and had value - most particularly, though, in pointing to the fact that something real did exist.

Well since then I've seen more and more shadows in the Old Testament - i.e. manna from heaven, water from the rock, etc. There are a ton.

And today I thought about all the men I've "liked" in my life. None of them has been, yet, the one I'm going to marry. But I believe I will get married (even as I approach the mid-way point of my 31st year). But they've all been shadows of the one I will marry. Each a little "more" like who I'd like to be with for day-to-day life, but none of them "it."

Its a relief somewhat, and helps me to say "he's just a shadow" when I feel the sting of unrequited affection (which I still feel regularly for a guy friend of mine). He's a shadow. He points to the real thing - he has many characteristics of the man I'm praying for. But the shadow simply is a reminder that the real thing - better in so many ways for its 3-dimensions, color and "self" - is out there and I simply need to look.

So that's one area the Lord has taken care of for me, or rather - one area I can recognize He's taken care of for me.

Now if I only knew what I wanted to do with my life, and how to do it. No biggie. :)

God is in the heavens, he will do as he pleases. Thankfully scripture doesn't leave it at that. "God's whim" - but it also says "He will work all things together for good, for those who love him and are called according to his purposes."

So I need not fear. But I will ask God to be small enough to hear me, tonight.

Love, Tiffani

Of Shadows and Smallness (part 1)

This song (below) speaks to me often, but especially right now as I try to find my way in what seems like darkness. I hope that it will minister to you as it does to me. Its my prayer tonight.

Nicole Nordeman "Small Enough" (with Fernando Ortega)

Oh Great God, be small enough to hear me now.
There were times when I was crying from the dark of Daniel’s den,
And I have asked you once or twice if you would part the sea again.
Tonight I do not need a fiery pillar in the sky;
Just want to know you’re gonna hold me if I start to cry.
Oh Great God, be small enough to hear me now.

Oh Great God, be close enough to feel you now.
There have been moments when I could not face Goliath on my own.
And how could I forget we marched around our share of Jerichos?
But I will not be setting out a fleece for you tonight;
Just want to know that everything will be alright.
Oh Great God, be close enough to feel you now.

All praise and all the honor be to the God of ancient mysteries.
Whose every sign and wonder turn the pages of our histories.
But tonight my heart is heavy and I cannot keep from whispering this prayer:
“Are you there?”

And I know you could leave writing on the wall that’s just for me.
Or send wisdom while I’m sleeping like in Solomon’s sweet dreams.
But I don’t need the strength of Sampson or a chariot in the air;
Just want to know that you still know how many hairs are on my head.
Oh Great God, be small enough to hear me now.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

This Week in History

1) Its after midnight on Friday. One week after Thanksgiving. Four days after Kess announced his resignation. The campus is in shock, the kids are a little dismayed.

And I don't know where I will go or what I will do.

2) I am going to the Dahnke's Christmas tree farm and I'm looking forward to it - even though I'm going alone. Good car time to think and make calls. Good family to visit, who will give me a hug and welcome me as their own daughter.

3) I'm big into "numbering" this week.

4) I got a TON of stuff done this week - bulk mailing to 2000 recruits, worked on getting the addresses ready for mailing to 400 coaches and the high schools of our players (dave helped me a ton here), letters for the player's school mailing written and cross referenced the lists. Only transcribed 1/2 of two tapes though.. got to get on that on Sunday, I guess (or tomorrow after I return)

5) Bought some pictures from Photoworks (don't like their new site as much, fyi, and why is there no more black/white?!?) for a Christmas project. Now all I need is spray adhesive and I'm set.

6) OK, its 12:43, and I'm not productively "blogging" - just rambling. Maybe I'll post tomorrow (but no numbering) and try to dialogue about what its like to try and reassure the kids that all will be ok (which it will, for the record, God is faithful) and at the same time look for a job. Weird.

Love, Tiffani

Thanksgiving reflections

1) I am thankful. Period. Simply thankful for it all.

2) Thanksgiving Day 2004 ranks in the top 5 of history for me, I think (I sort of "rolled" all the 'normal' family thanksgivings into "one", and all the times at Anne's family's into one)
speaking of that, here are some fun historical thanksgiving memories (in NO order):
a) ben losing his two front teeth when we were playing circus on the bunk beds.
b) making apple pies with anne and ginny
c) cooking with my mom and eating outside with glo and donna on the PATIO (last year)
d) hanging out with my friends (this year) and watching TV's and Movies while we ate

3) It was so fun to have my (local) friends here - well, a lot of them, for Thanksgiving. Laura and Andy, Kess, Dave, Steve Moore (not my cousin, the coach) and Dave's brother Brandon even for a short time. We made it a great time. Watched Elf, watched football, watched Bad Company (pretty funny movie with Chris Rock). Ate LOTS of food, ate LOTS of dessert (yum!!) - and the evening lasted until late into the night. Fun and relaxing.

4) I think I slept (on average) about 9+ hours per night the whole weekend. It was great, but I made myself want to stay up late and sleep in, so its been a tough week.

I wouldn't have traded that Thanksgiving memory for anything in the world. And, she notes sadly to herself, I didn't get a picture.

Love, T

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Peace Like a River (and other BSF revelations)

First, let me say that I'm grateful for Rana. (some of you know her) She speaks truth to me. Last night she in particular spoke truth and it was the beginning of the revelations I had at BSF last night. Grateful for that woman!

Second, BSF continues to be incredible for me. I missed last year a ton. Not that I didn't grow last year (!) but I am glad at how the lessons continue to meet me where I'm at every week.

Here are my two revelations:
1) The question was "How do you squander your time in the wilderness of mediocrity by not believing what God has promised because of your unbelief?"
To me (once I figured out the question) I realized that if I truly (truly) believed God's promises I could "stop". Stop working, stop striving, stop trying to make things work the way I think they should work. That I live in the "wilderness of mediocrity" - instead of being GREAT - because I don't believe.
2) Follow that up with the Sabbath-rest for the people of God. Which made me think. God promises a spiritual rest (salvation), a physical rest (heavenly) - but ALSO we can have God's REST even now. As we believe (see #1), and we ACT in belief, we have REST for our soul.

Peace like a river.

Even in the midst of the twists, turns, falls, a river continues on its way... because it knows it's destination - and its destination doesn't change. Despite rapids, droughts, pouring into lakes, draining out... it continues steadfastly.

I realized that I don't always have peace like a river. Nor do I always believe I can have it. But I can, and Lord willing... I will "work" to keep it.

Love, Tiffani

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Late on a Saturday Night

Quick Tiffani Update:

Spiritually - feeling OK. had regular bible study time this week, regular prayer, good talks about lots of topics.
Physically - the season has caught up with me. I feel (whisper) fat. But I worked out three times this week, hope to do at least as much next week. And I feel super rested today after sleeping over nine hours last night. but now i'm up at 12:30... so that might not be good for tomorrow.
Emotionally - pretty fair. probably a 6.75 on a 10, which is slightly low, but not bad.
Financially - much better now that my checkbook is up to date after three months... yikes. it only took 2.5 hours, with maybe 30 minutes more tomorrow for current stuff. but that's a load off my mind.
Technologically - out of control, in a good way. been taking my work computer home with me to do some transcription work on the side for the AD, today figured out how to hook up my phone line so I could log on to the internet from my living room (instead of on my main computer in my bed room).
Weird Fact: and frankly.. i don't know how this can be. but i'm watching NBC and they are showing CSI (old one) which is normally on CBS. Funny.

Last night I recieved the quarterly "World Vision" magazine. I confess that often I don't have a minute to devote to it, but last night I did and I read it almost cover to cover before going to bed. I've sponsored a WV child (Stephen Pole, from Uganda) for a number of years now and I enjoyed reading last night about the various World Vision ministries and workers.

I was inspired by the cover story on the beatitudes and the profiles of WV workers for each beatitude. And excited to learn that I could communicate with Stephen now via email (the letters you send on email are transcribed into the appropriate language and given to the child)!!

Here follows some "excerpts" from the magazine written by Rev. Tim Dearborn, PhD (world vision; pp 12-23, world vision press):

* for more information on world vision and child sponsorship, check out www.worldvision.org.

Blessed are the Poor in Spirit:
Our experience of life in Christ begins as we recognize our need. We cannot turn to our material successes, our personal accomplishments, or our spiritual piety. The Gospel proclaims that this recognition can lead us through the doorway to blessedness, where joy and suffering can exist simultaneously.

Blessed are the Meek:
Meekness is one of the most misunderstood moral qualities. In our society, a meek person is a spineless weakling. Actually, Jesus uses a word that expresses the relinquishment of all illusion and control. Those who know their utter dependance on God, and are trained to trust God in all things, know that they have nothing to lose.

Blessed are those who Hunger:
Life in the kingdom is described as a banquet, a perpetual feast to which all are welcome but to which only those who know their hunger come. The Gospel promises that God feeds those who hunger for righteousness - the holiness and justice that will cure the suffering of our world.

Blessed are the Pure in Heart:
Only when we live with nothing to hide can we experience blessedness. We need no longer linger in the darkness, for we have come completely into the light. We are set free to stand joyously before God when we know that in mercy, he has cleansed our shameful sin with the goodness of Christ.
"We are set free to stand joyously before God when we know that in mercy, he has cleansed our shameful sin with the goodness of Christ."

"he has cleansed our shameful sin with the goodness of Christ"

what blessed words. the beatitudes show us that we must first recognize our need (become poor in spirit) and that through the process of Christ cleansing our shameful sin we are transformed into the "pure in heart" - who rejoice so joyfully in our cleansing that we overflow into gratitude and praise of Christ and in doing so bring others along for the journey.

Christ has cleansed my shameful sin.

Do you have shameful secrets? embarassing truths? sin? I can relate. I did, and sometimes do still.

If you do, please allow me to introduce you to Jesus - the only one who can truly make you clean and whole, and who is only waiting for you to recognize your need to BE clean and whole to do it.

I'm off to sleep now. I've already seen the CSI. Its sad, but satisfying. I spent a GREAT day today, being productive at "work life" and also enjoying time with Leah, and then Heather and her mom - and had a great talk with MY mom on the phone today, to boot. Satisfaction.

But nothing compared to the satisfaction in my soul.

Love, Tiffani

Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Briefly... because I'm leaving work in 7 minutes to go work out at home with Heather, and then I think we're planning to eat "thanksgiving dinner" in the DC.

Additionally... the AMAZING RACE starts tonight. SOOOO excited. :) Its shallow, maybe, to be excited about a TV show. But its my favorite.

Last Wednesday night I was blessed to be able to speak at an event called "Do You Think I'm Beautiful?" I was first of all moved to tears by Joy Wrigglesworth's talk on wanting to be loved in all of our "naturalness" (my word) - without makeup, fancy clothes and hair, as we are on the inside without dressing up the outside. And I was challenged by Sarah Luke, who spoke after me about "little-g" gods in our lives - the things that we hold on to that stop us from following God (in this case, our self-image, etc).

I spoke on words. How they bless and curse. The bible says the "power of death and life are in the tongue." How they've blessed me in my life, and how they've cursed me.

So many of us are torn to shreds by one word from someone else, that happens to hit the exact wrong place in our heart.

More about that tomorrow.

Gotta go do Tae-Bo.

:) Love, Tiffani

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Last One

Quickly I write on the day of the last game of our 2004 season to say:

I love this team.

I love these men and who they are becoming.

I am so proud to be associated with them.

There are moments from this year - sad, touching and funny that I will take with me whether I remain at this place for 15 years or 5 months.

This team is unique and special and I can't understand why God would allow me to be a part of it.

May the Lord give us grace today as we face Wash. U.


Wednesday, November 10, 2004


Hebrews 10:35-36
So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.

Because scripture is living and active, when you read it - - even if you've read a chapter or book multiple times, one verse or a series of them will JUMP out at you and make a difference for the day.

Thats why I like to have devotional time in the AM if possible - because then I have a verse that's with me all day.

There is a lot going on right now here in humble Greenville. This verse spoke to me in a surprising way. There is so much I am persevering through right now, and trying to live victoriously through it, and have confidence through it. I am encouraged (literally - made more courageous, infused with courage) to continue in my fight for the Lord's will to be done here and in my life.

There are many things I wish would happen, but I can see that I don't know the Lord's will yet, and I simply need to be CONFIDENT that his will WILL come to pass, and I can trust him. He will reward me (eternally, and maybe even on earth in my eyes) with gifts that are abundant.

And in the meantime he is making me a "SUPER-Conquerer" and I am grateful for the training.

Love today, Tiffani

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Visitors from Another Place

Nope, not aliens...
My friends Brian Burdon and Kristen Falkenberg!

Brian and Kristen came to visit this weekend as part of my "Come to Historic Greenville" campaign. (for more information email me!)

We had a GREAT time. Kristen drove in from K.C. on Friday night and we got some good "talking time" before we went to sleep. She picked up Brian in the AM from the airport, while I began working (game day, you know). They both helped me as we prepared for "Senior Day" (it was our last home game this year) AND "Jr. Comet Football Day" - which somehow all ended up occuring on the same day...

The game and day were a little more crazy than normal, but both B and K seemed to enjoy the hulabaloo of the day.

The game was REALLY fun (though I filmed the 2nd 1/2, so I didn't get to experience it with my pals) - and ended in a VICTORY for the Panthers (currently 3-5 on the season).

After the game we enjoyed Mario's Pizza at our house with some friends. What a treat. Church on Sunday and lunch at Farmer's (lots of good car time with my friends this weekend). A walk around Historic Greenville, and then BOBBY'S and a movie ("Ray") in Edwardsville.

side note: for those of you who visit... there is a sign advertising "Historic Greenville" at the edge of town... and it happens to be RIGHT in front of Chang's Chinese Restaurant and Buffet. Its important to note that Chang's does not necessarily comprise the entirety of historic Greenville... nor is it maybe even included in the area labeled "Historic Greenville".

I was exhausted at work on Monday morning, but not so exhausted that I didn't enjoy lunch with B and K at Chang's (see above), also accompanied by Dave and Kyle. We forgot our camera so there is no picture, sadly, of the "historic" event... :)

Kristen left shortly after and I took Brian to the airport on our way to BSF. I was sad to see them go, but SOOOO glad that they came to visit. I was COMPLETELY and TOTALLY blessed by their visit.

Last night at BSF we were studying the conclusion of Paul's first missionary journey (Acts 14). And the lesson/lecture/notes discussed how different Derbe was from the other towns that the apostles/disciples had visited. After being persecuted all across Cyprus and Turkey, they came to Derbe where they had rest from persectution.

The "principle" was that "As we work for Christ, He will give us rest and refreshing when we need it"

That principle was true in my life this weekend. Circumstances had come together to make me feel tired, overwhelmed, unsure of my future and more. And I was fighting as best as I knew how, within that context, and trying to allow the joy of the Lord to be my strength.
But the Lord knew better and gave me rest when I needed it.

Even though the visit took a lot out of me (sleep-wise), I feel emotionally refreshed and I'm grateful that "Tall Brian" and Kristen were a part of the working of the Lord to get me there.

I'll have pics up soon from their visit. :)

Love (off to the last v-ball game of the season), Tiff

Thursday, October 28, 2004

John Piper says:

"God is not done with the work of missions. He said go make disciples of all nations. And then he said, “I will be with you to the end of the age.” The promise is good till Jesus comes, because the commission is binding till Jesus comes. Therefore you and I face the question individually what our role is in obeying the great commission to reach all the unreached peoples of the world with the gospel of the riches of Christ."

Thats just enough to tempt you (I hope) to read the entire article, which I am half-way through. Piper blows my mind. He says what my heart thinks before I can put words on it.

Enjoy if you so choose to partake:

(excerpt above taken from the above reference)

And may God's blessings overwhelm you today. Tiffani

Life Lessons for Today

Proverbs 3:4-5 (Tiffani English Version)
Put no faith in your own insight or knowledge. Trust God alone to direct the future of your life circumstances - because he will.

Jeremiah 1:12 (TEV)
God will put his promises into effect. He has in the past, he will continue to do so.

Tiffani's commentary:

God will do the good HE pleases in HIS own good ways and at HIS good times and I need not have anxiety about short-term circumstances. Even when others act in "their" understanding of God and it affects me, it doesn't really matter - because God is sovereign over our WHOLE lives and the lives of others.

I will wait upon the Lord for HIS will to come to pass, even though at times the darkness is complete and I have no direction. I will trust in HIS goodness in all circumstances, even when the way is "fearsome" and unknown. Even when people act in ways that I believe are contrary to God's will, God's will will be done.

Weird and hard to understand. But true.

I will expect miracles that put into reality that which I have already believe to be truth about circumstances.

And on those things I will rest.

Love, Tiffani

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Illinois Fact

Did you know that 95% of processed pumpkin produced in the United States is produced in Illinois?

Did you (further) know that 85% of the processed pumpkin produced in the WORLD is produced in Illinois?

Cool, huh!?


Its been a week I think, since I've been able to write.

Work is going well. I'm constantly surprised - even after a year - at how much I enjoy the men on the team. I like helping them with their crises and hearing about their victories. Its neat seeing them grow up. Additionally, I'm blessed to have relationship with a number of women (students) on the campus.

Last Sunday night I spoke at Leah's RC meeting. It was fun to get together with her leaders and talk to them about repentance and forgiveness offered through Jesus. How to pray with the authority that we are given through Him. And how to walk in the freedom that those things bring. It was a great time for ME to be sharpened, and I hope they were challenged a little.

In BSF we are studying the Acts of the Apostles (starting with the book of Acts, and then moving on to study a bunch of the letters/epistles). A couple weeks ago we were learning about Paul (Saul) and how the Lord said to him "I will send you" but then he wasn't sent right away. He went for a time to Arabia to learn to hear the Lord's voice, and be discipled; he spent a short amount of time in Jerusalem.. and then we went back home to Tarsus for 7 years... where he waited upon the sending of the Lord.

While he was in Tarsus he worked, we can only presume - both at his trade and at evangelism. But that wasn't his calling. His calling was as the "Apostle to the Gentiles" and the Lord hadn't sent him to it yet. At the time, his "job" for Jesus was to stay and wait. It had to be enough for Paul that the Lord had said "I WILL send you."

I realized as I was studying that section, and over the week or so since.... Greenville is like my Tarsus. I have work to do here (both "tentmaking" and evangelistic in nature) and I am here waiting to be sent. Thats not to say that the Lord didn't send me here, because I think he did. But at some level, I think I'm here to learn and to teach and to wait. And the Lord needed me to wait outside of my comfort zone - - because in Seattle it was all too easy.

Here, easy isn't the word that I would use to describe my experience. Fun, memory-making, hard, sad, but not easy.

And I'm grateful most days that its not easy. And that the Lord chose and appointed me for this work. And other days I wish my waiting period were over because its hard to be here for various reasons.

But I trust that God has always taken care of me in the past. Numerous life changing and life saving occasions. And because of that I know I can trust him for each moment of my future. After all... every one of my days was written in his book before I was even born; and he takes care of the sparrows' every need... and says to me "are you not worth much more?"

Time for work. Signing off from Tarsus. :)
Love, Tiffani

Friday, October 22, 2004

Here's Dad, Mom and I on Scott Field (just outside the Library) before the game last Saturday. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Here's mom and dad at the arch before they left St. Louis on Monday afternoon. They made it all the way up to the top - but couldn't see ANYTHING - too cloudy! Posted by Hello

Low Grade Reports, and Low Moods

I've been working on the low grade report today. And now I'm sort of discouraged. But the Lord says "do not be discouraged!" so I'm going to STOP. smile.

Had a great talk with Maura today about glorifying God in all we do. And I was convicted that I've been kind of cranky lately and moody.

And I haven't been sacrificing my time (nor my sleep, primarily) to have a devotional time. I think its affecting me. Maura and I made a deal for accountability this week. Next week we will check in on each other to see if we both had a devotional time every day.

She inspires me to know more and be more for Jesus.


Monday, October 18, 2004

Monday, Monday

1) Its STORMY here in Mid-America. I awoke at 5am to flashbulbs going off in my room - no, wait, it was lightning attacking me from every corner.
Made me remember the Psalmist's description of the Lord's defense of us: "Out of the brightness of his presence clouds advanced, with hailstones and bolts of lightning. The Lord thundered from heaven; the voice of the Most High resounded. (Ps 18:12-13)
Whenever I see lightning and hear thunder, I remember that the Lord comes in defense of me, when I am being attacked (no matter the situation - earthly or spiritually), he is my true Defender.

2) My parents leave today to head back to (sunny!) Phoenix. WHAT A VISIT.
We had a great time together. Friday was nice - we spent time with the team and the Panther Parents at a pizza dinner, then went home and spent time together at my house. Saturday we got to walk around town between FB team breakfast and the game, and then they got the FULL Tiffani experience, as they sat with me near my statisticians for the entire game. VERY fun for me. I got to introduce them at the "Family Locker Room" after the game....

"Hey Triplets! Go Triplets! Attaway! Attaway!" - because the players couldn't get over how much I looked like both mom AND dad.

We went to a FANTASTICO mexican dinner on Saturday night at one of my favorite places - Rancho Nuevo, in Vandalia. And then we headed into town to catch a Greenville College favorite (band): SausageFest - a crazy band made up of (now) alumni, who sing goofy songs about Greenville situations and places (i.e. there is a song about Chang's Chinese Restaurant, and one about getting an MRS. degree). I think my parents enjoyed it - though you could hardly understand the words (not a great sound system in play that night).

Sunday morning I made breakfast for my folks and Heather, we all went to church and then headed to St. Louis to SIX FLAGS. It was a great day, sunny and not too cold. We enjoyed a few hours there on various rides (the NINJA was great, and my favorite - - - Scooby Doo) and then went out to dinner - RED LOBSTER. It was quite a day for all of us.

We capped off mom and dad's visit with a viewing of "The Day After Tomorrow" at my house.

Phew - what a weekend and what a great visit. I will have a picture up of the three of us (mom/dad and I) soon.

3) Mondays. Today is a rough one, started out good (though stormy) but I had a bad couple of hours. Since I've turned 30 I feel like I've fluctuated more with circumstances (mood-wise) than I used to. So I'm about to take a few minutes and rein it all back in. I'm making it a great afternoon (and evening, when I go to BSF with Leah) no matter what.

Its just going to be great day. I'm making it that way. Period.


Psalm 18:32-34
It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of the deer; he enables me to stand in the heights. He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze.

Love, Tiff

Friday, October 15, 2004

An Ode to How Much Fun My Parents Are

An Ode to How Much Fun My Parents Are:

Last night my parents arrive in Greenville,
tired (running on 4 hours sleep and a long flight) but happy.
Immediately my mom and I began to cook,
dad kept us company as we chopped and grilled.
Heather was sent to pick up dressing as the party arrived.
First Kyle (always on-"time"), then Dave, then Leah.
Now Heather returns and dinner is served.

Mom and Dad say "Oh Honey, we don't think we'll stay too late."
But, Let's face it... they're Riggers - and we like a party.
Dinner (in a word): Superb, Company: Without equal.
After chowing on Caesar Salad and
Grilled Chicken Fettucini Alfredo (with fresh peppers and mushrooms),
Texas Hold'Em begins.

Barbs thown across the table from every side.
(and not friends named Barb, we're talking verbal jousts)
Friend to Friend.
Daughter to Parent.
Parent to Daughter, to Friend.
Friend to Parent.
Madness. And much laughter.
There are no punches pulled just because "mom and dad" are here.
In the end Dad takes it all.
Not that he's a professional, but he's good.

The game goes until 10:30... but where's the EMAP?

EMAP'ers begin to arrive and my party animal parents...

They meet Mom, they meet Dad, they stay and chat and joke.
At 11:30 Dave says "we're out" and all college students
(and non-resident adults) begin to leave.
My parents are the last ones at the deal.

I don't know that there are funner parents on the earth than mine.

T+13 hours since my parents arrived in Greenville. Already we have memories that I cherish. I am blessed beyond imagining with the family that I have been given. Who could have been so blessed as me!? :) (Ok, you may feel the same way)

More fun ahead today. Big family pizza party with the team, and then an alumni Volleyball game in which Heather will play.

Blessings, Tiffani

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Feels like Friday to us...

T-minus 30 minutes until my parents arrive in Greenville.

I'm really happy. I'm also really tired despite sleeping in an extra 30 minutes this morning.

The weather yesterday, the day before AND today.... all "Seattle" winter. Makes me miss home. Also makes me want to take a nap... Heather is here at work helping me. We both think that today feels like Friday. I'm hoping its just the "mid-season" blues and nothing that will keep me confused for the next 5 weeks. It stinks to think that tomorrow is the game and its not... bummer.

My mom is making dinner tonight for me, Leah, Heather, Dave, and Kyle. And maybe Steve Moore (Dave's roommate, not my cousin, but also from WA), too. She has a FANTASTICO menu planned of Grilled Chicken Fettucini Alfredo, Caesar Salad and Ice Cream for dessert. Afterward I'm thinking we may play some Texas Hold'em and then Dave's EMAP group is coming over to watch a movie (during which I may sleep on the floor, in a exhaustion induced coma).

I keep meaning to post some pics. Will do from this weekend, soon, I hope.

Mom and Dad emailed me with pictures yesterday of: 1) my brother, Ben, and his SLIM self, 2) Ben's new Nissan truck, 3) the new front door and 4) the new fountain in the front courtyard. It looks nice and warm there.

Big weekend against a big team. And on Sunday we're hoping (my family) to go to Six Flags in St. Louis.

T-minus 20 minutes. I'm kind of excited.

May you have excitement in YOUR night.
Love, Tiff

Wednesday, October 13, 2004


I am reading Acts 10 today for my BSF lesson.

Thought I would share it here:
Then Peter began to speak..."You know the message God sent to the people of Israel telling the good news of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all. You know what has happened throughout Judea, beginning in Galilee after the baptism that John preached - how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him. We are witnesses of everything he did in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem. They killed him by hanging him on a tree, but God raised him the dead on the third day and caused him to be seen. He was not seen by all the people, but by witnesses whom God had already chosen - by us who ate and drank wiht him after he rose from teh dead. He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead. All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name."

Be blessed today.


Visit Countdown:
Mom and Dad - 29 hours!!!!
Brian and Kristen - 16 days!!!

Comfortability and the Christian

I was talking with my friend, Bethany, last night about change. And about how when we are in Christ the Lord doesn't promise us "comfortable" cookie-cutter lives. In fact, he promises the opposite - that we will be persecuted, divided from the ones we love, hated even, if we decide to follow him; but that we don't need to fear, because he has overcome the world.

Bethany just moved to Tacoma, WA (shout out to my WA friends/family!) after spending 4 yrs here in Greenville. She's an Iowa native. If anyone can relate to her current situation - - Its me. Since I went through a similar transition last year.

The analogy that I used when we were talking was this (and she thought I should share with the world, so here I am writing while Heather is using the shower): Caterpillars.

See Caterpillars are enjoying their Caterpillar world. Squirming along on tree limbs, eating leaves, enjoying the sun and the other bugs. They are comfortable with their life. (OK, for a moment suspend you arguments about soul-less creatures and just go with me) Then all of a sudden they are making this cocoon and wrapping themselves in it - and that can't be comfortable after they've had all this freedom their whole life! They're in the dark, close space of the cocoon and its not what they are used to - no fresh air, no leaves to chomp, warm and humid, smelly. But after a while, they start to get used to it. Shortly after, they realize that they are too big for this little tomb, and they start to stretch and fidget and the cocoon breaks open. And now they are out in the light, so bright and cold out there! They have these wings, and they're wet - they can't squirm along the branches like they used to - everything is different and not the same. They try to figure out how to walk and fly and eat, and nothing is comfortable - AGAIN.

Well, thats how life is for us, too. We are caterpillars one day, and then everything changes.

I'm not saying its better or worse to be a butterfly than a caterpillar. For some people heights aren't a good thing - they may rather be a caterpillar than a butterfly. The point is that neither is comfortable their whole life. And neither will we be if we are truly heeding the call of our Lord to seek and save the lost.

We are called to a life of sacrifice. Some people are called to floggings, prison and persecution; others are called to live in the inner-city when they were from the suburbs; others called to give up their dream of marriage, or a certain career, or certain relationships or entertainment.

Its not comfortable. And thats how it should be.

Heather is out of the shower and my hair has a date with the hair dryer. Blessings today, Tiff

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

George Muller

One of my favorite Christian authors and "mentors" is George Muller, who lived in the late 1800's. He ran orphanages in England and his ministry was marked by his desire to NOT ask for support from anyone but God. He didn't speak of his needs to people specifically, but told them what the ministry was doing. He found that his heavenly Father provided everything he needed - usually exactly when it was needed and exactly how much was needed. Pretty amazing.

We played against Wheaton College recently (home of the Billy Graham Center) and they sent us a couple copies of "Faith in Action" - which is excerpts from George's autobiography (really, journal entries that he made over a course of years). I paged through it and one of the parts that is my favorite from the autobiography is included and caught my eye. I've reproduced it here. These excerpts are from: Faith In Action, George Muller, pp 23-25; The Institute of Evangelism (Billy Graham Center).


"From my inmost soul I do ascribe it to God that he alone has enabled me to trust in Him, and that he has not suffered my confidence in Him to fail...By the grace of God I desire that my faith in God should extend towards EVERY thing, the smallest of my own temporal and spiritual concerns, and the smallest of the temporal and spiritual concerns of my family...And lastly, once more, let not Satan deceive you in making you think that you could not have the same faith, but that it is only for persons who are situated as I am. When I lose such a thing as a key, I ask the Lord to direct me to it, and I look for an answer to my prayer; when a person with whom I have made an appointment does not come at the fixed time, and I begin to be inconvenienced by it, I ask the Lord to be pleased to hasten him to me, and I look for an answer; when I do not understand a passage from the Word of God, I lift up my heart to the Lord that He would be pleased by His Holy Spirit, to instruct me, and I expect to be taught, though I do not fix the time when, and the manner in how it should be.... And thus in other of my temporal or spiritual concerns I pray to the Lord, and expect an answer to my requests; and may not you do the same, dear believing reader?"

And on that same note (trusting God) I have a quote from Elisabeth Elliot:
"Our prayers for guidance (or anything else) really begin here: I trust him.... "I trust him. Let him give me or withhold from me what he chooses"

May you trust more in God today in both the large and small things. And may I trust him more as well, in the large and small.

Its pretty incredible that the GOD of creation, who breathed the universe into being would care for us individually, each. And yet the bible not only SAYS that he does, but it illustrates it in the lives of countless individuals about whom is tells us. And the same God who caused the first blade of grass to grow and who numbers the stars, still counts the hairs on our head today and knows every day of our lives (in advance!) and has them written in his book.

It does my heart good to remember His loving care. May your heart be done well, too.

Love, Tiff

Monday, October 11, 2004

Variety Show

1) Victory - week 2. So now we have a two game win-streak. That may sound funny... except that it's the first two-game streak we've had in the two seasons I've been here. Which is exciting! This week's game was PHENOMENAL. We beat a superior (in reality) opponent, barely, but we did. Maybe the most exciting part for me was the enthusiasm and energy of our players on the sidelines and our fans. We had about 100 fans attend the game and that was SUPER. Afterwards we went to the Stuber Family farm to enjoy a dinner that they planned for the players and fans. It was really fun and a great time for us to be "family."

2) Oswald Chambers. I am constanly encouraged as I read through "my utmost for his highest" - and I find that as I go through the daily readings each year different ones are applicable at different times. What a neat example of God's grace. This one applied recently: "We are apt to think that everything that happens to us is to be turned into useful teaching, it is to be turned into something better than teaching... into character. The mount is not meant to teach us anything, it is meant to make us something."
How am I using the experiences God is giving me? Am I applying them to my life, or pocketing them away for a teachable moment.

3) I am blessed by the women I meet with. One struggles constantly with spiritual matters in a practical day-to-day life way and we battle together. One other is a philosophical struggler and we have great talks. Both affect me in different ways. And I hope that I am being changed through my time with them more than I am changing them.

Thats it for now - off to BSF. So much in my heart to say today and I don't have "words" nor time to get it done. Perhaps tomorrow will be a tiffani-philosophy lesson.

Visit Countdown:
Parents - 3 days
Friends - 18 days

Love, Tiffani

Friday, October 08, 2004

Rainy Day Friday

Yesterday I wrote a few notes to some of the players. I have two "full-time" servant warriors* who work M-S helping us "run" every area of football related work. Technically, I oversee their work and their assignments, along with our office assistant.

So I wrote notes to Zac and Jared (the S-dubs) and another player. I put two of them up in their lockers, and the other in Jared's bag.

I've learned so much from being here. I know that I've always been a "words encourager" - it was evident in my last job, too. Sometimes, even, people feel like I encourage too much, to the point that it sounds insincere (that was a complaint from one of my employees at my last job). So I've worked to make more of my comments "value-added" - related to projects they are working on, attitudes, etc.

But the fact is that I'm a happy, grateful person (most days) and so I "talk" a lot in encouragement.

So back to the point. I feel like I've learned how to better listen to the Holy Spirit when it comes to words of encouragement. To heed his voice when I feel like I need to give someone a note or a card, or speak to them face to face and tell them truth. Its been hard, because sometimes its scary to go to someone randomly and say "Its going to be OK, God is happy with you" or whatever. But I've been rewarded so frequently with the reaction to the notes/words - especially here - that I'm working to do it more often.

Here is the response of Jared today when he got his note:
"Thanks for the note you placed in my clothing bag. You had excellent timing as usual. It is a true pleasure to be able to come to so called "Work" and be around you everyday. I find myself being blessed daily by being around you. Thanks for everything you do for me and the team."

How could you NOT want to give a note to someone when the response is like that.

And so even though its raining, and I'm tired and its already Friday, and only week 5 of the season.... I am blessed beyond imagining by the grace of my Lord.

Here is my top 10 today:
10. My roommate, Heather
9. Going to Vespers with Leah last night and seeing my girls
8. Seattle Weather (i love it and miss it - weird)
7. Its almost week 6
6. Cold enough weather to wear my beanie
5. The apparel from Sportex came in (most of it)
4. I love my job, and the men I work with (coaches)
3. The players make me laugh every day
2. The heat is working in our house
1. Jesus loves me unconditionally and I get to see him work in my heart and life

Be blessed today!
Love, Tiffani

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Thursday Night Live

Leah and I are hanging out tonight. She's working on her BSF (I should be, too). I caught up on some bills and am reading to her out loud from Bethany's latest update (first day of work). We are about to head to Vespers.

(www.greenville.edu) is that a shameless plug for Greenville? Or for visiting me? cleverly, I think i've managed to do BOTH!

1 week until my parents are here visiting. CAN'T wait. They get to see a game, experience my friends, maybe even hear Sausage Fest (a local "GC" band) live.. and then we're going to SIX FLAGS. crazy.

3 weeks until Kristen and Brian visit. I ALSO can't wait for that one. I think I'm hyper excited about these things, but I just like having my "worlds collide".

OK - I'm closing my eyes for 10 minutes before Vespers.

Love, T

Musicals, Meetings and Me

Some of my favorite things to do are: watch musicals and sing music.

Every Thursday morning we have a team meeting on campus (also every Tuesday morning and night...). The Thursday meetings are different, though. Kess speaks to any general team business and then they break up into offense/defense to watch film. At 8:40 we gather back up (any who want to) and have a time of singing worship music and praying.
Isn't that cool?!?
Our resident guitar volunteer is a defensive back/punter, who brings a song sheet and his guitar each week. This week we have 4 coaches, 3 offensive linemen and 2 linebackers in addition to the guitar guy. What a neat deal.

I am blessed in abundance by being a part of this program.

Last night Heather, Kyle and I invited Kyle's EMAP group (small group of players) to my house to watch JONAH - the veggie tales movie. Well, none showed up, but the three of us enjoyed it.

"If you haven't seen it.. .you're missing out." Kyle Krober

Here are some of my favorite lines:
"The only thing left is for me to be thrown into the sea!" Jonah (archibald asparagus)
"Do you want poking... or non-poking?" French Pea Maitre'D

In response to the owner of a snack stand who the pirates are fighting with when the owner says "Oh yeah? What'll you do to me?":
"What WILL we do to him?" (Mr. Lunt to Larry)
"We won't do anything. We're the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything." (Larry replies)
"Oh yeah. (to larry) Ya got off easy that time, matey!" (Mr. Lunt to the owner)

We laughed out loud a LOT. And I got to sing my two favorite songs from that movie:
1) God of Second Chances (a rousing gospel number sung by angels to Jonah in the belly of the whale) - sample: 'you ran from God this morning and ... you're...whale...chow...tonight!'

2) Message From the Lord (Jonah's message to the people of Israel) - sample: 'Do not fight, do not cheat, wash your hands before you eat... there is nothing quite as sweet, a message from the Lord'

So that was enough to entertain me last night AND this morning.

Blessings, TR

p.s. you can check it out at www.jonahmovie.com :)

Monday, October 04, 2004

VICTORY! and rest

Great trip this weekend - NOT necessarily because we WON (24-12), but just overall a good time.

The hotel (Naperville Fairfield Inn) was nice, and they were great to us. The trip home was long, but Coach Banks (who often drives the van, which we call the "Party Bus") is gracious, and so when I (the navigator) realized that I had taken us WEST instead of EAST for about 15 miles too far... he simply said "well, I think we should do this then...." and didn't freak out.

That was good, because I was mad at myself a little. I got over it, but we didn't get to Greenville until almost 11:30pm (45 minutes after the bus) and so that was a bummer.

I was able to have a quiet time outside on the hotel porch (they have a covered porch with rocking chairs) in the morning on Saturday and it was lovely. The weather was sunny and cold (though it poured rain the night before) and refreshing. I took some time reading Acts 6 for BSF and sitting quietly.

Sunday. I slept until 9am - praise Jesus! I was pretty tired when I went to bed the night before - Heather and I stayed up talking until 1am. I went to Smith Grove for church and Tony preached on Psalm 139 and the three "Omni's" of God. It was a GREAT sermon.

1) God is Omniscient - he knows everything about me, and cares about me personally.
2) God is Omnipresent - he is everywhere with me, I can't hide from him.
3) God is Omnipotent - he is in control of everything, and powerful to work in my life.

It was a message that was timely for me and reminded me that whatever I'm praying for, God already knows about it - he planned all of my days before I was even born, and He has a plan to work it all out (Rom. 8:28).

Later I ate breakfast at Ethan's with a few students and then I took a nap. It was delightful to sleep a bit, and then enjoy the evening making cookies and watching "Twister". Now if only my BSF were finished!

Two weeks only until my parents come to visit. I'm really excited to see them!

Love, Tiffani

Friday, October 01, 2004

Cemeteries, Starbucks and Silence

I was at Vespers last night with Heather (and about 200 students). Vespers is a student run worship service that takes place every Thurdsay. Usually pretty good.

Last night it was about silence. The discipline of silence in our walk with God. I think that many of us were convicted that we don't allow the 'still small voice of God' to penetrate the bubble of noise we surround ourselves with.

I know that I was. My quiet time has been less than what I'd like recently. And I find myself avoiding silence in my house and at work. (though at some level silence at work is an oxymoron, because the TV in the fitness center runs constantly during my work day)

At Vespers, the silent video we watched asked the question "are you able to hear God with all the noise in your life?" or something like that. Harsh.

So this morning I left to get coffee at the Union (Starbuck's Verona - happy morning to me!) and then drove to a local cemetery, beautiful at sunrise - especially in the fall, and by its very nature - quiet. And I sat for a bit, trying to still the noise in my head: planning for the day, for the trip, prayer requests for me and others, replaying conversations from the week, imagining conversations with people I need to talk to, wondering about different things.

Have you ever noticed how much noise there is just in our HEAD? Let alone the noise of "civilization" - cars, planes, tranes, talking, factories, TV, radio, etc. Once I've cut off that noise, the noise in my head is CLEARLY evident. And you have to cut that noise off in order to hear God speak.

Its a discipline that I haven't mastered yet. I sat in silence in my car for 15 minutes. OK, not really, but it felt like 15 minutes. I think it was actually 2 minutes. And it was overwhelming. Richard Foster talks about that in his book on prayer (aptly titled: Prayer).

I will try again this weekend to find some quiet place on the road - maybe in the hotel parking lot, maybe in the pool area, to be silent before God. To hear him speak to me, as I know he does.

Blessings to you this weekend, and may you be quiet in your soul as you live.
Love, Tiff

p.s. I am enjoying my "title" because it turned into some excellent form of alliteration that I hadn't planned!

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Road Trip Tomorrow and the Four Loves

Leaving tomorrow for a road trip to Lisle, Illinois, Benedictine College.

Looking forward to reading “Future Grace” on the van…!

Some thoughts from “The Four Loves” by C.S. Lewis:

“If I am sure of anything I am sure that Jesus Christ’s teaching was never meant to confirm my congenital preference for save investments and limited liabilities…. To love at all is to be vulnerable.”

In the spring I went through a time of realization – where I discovered my heart had been kept in a tomb for a while. The Lord resurrected it – through the help of John 11 and I have been “learning” ever since about the joys and sorrows of having a living heart. And as I was reading about “Charity” (the last of the four loves that CS discusses) I was struck by the comment above. If we are to love at all, ever, then we need to risk being vulnerable all the time.

Blessings to you today – may you love fully!

Wednesday, September 29, 2004


OK - the last one of the day... do you think I set a record for how many postings I have put up in one day???

here's the link to the photo album with summer pics if you are interested in checking them out!


Summer Updates/Reflections

1) the Brother's Karamazov. Read it. It was incredible. I wept at the end. It made me think a ton about justice. I know its long...read it.

2) On Being 30. Pretty much the same as being 29 at this point. Though I hear my "body will change"... and coincidentally I'm having some tendonitis in my knee... but I'm not believing that its because I'm 30. ... smile.

3) On Being Single. Its much harder to be married than it is to be single. As a single person, everything is about ME. My desires, my plans, what I like. Having a roommate is helping me get out of that attitude a little bit... a little bit. But the truth is, that being said, I like being single most days. I don't think I'll be single forever... but I think I've decided to enjoy it thoroughly while I'm here.

Summer version of Life In Greenville (long overdue)

I will try and bullet point the highlights, and give you a link to some pictures. If its not enough... email me and I will do my darndest to write you back in a timely manner. ... love, Tiff

1) 30th birthday and party - PERFECT summer day (incidentally for the first day of summer) - Leah made me a b-day cake with 30 spelled in strawberries - we grilled about a million burgers and the flames were incredible - had a three-legged race and a water balloon toss... that ended up in me getting splattered with water balloons.

2) a week in Seattle visiting friends and family - the weather was incredible, I got to play volleyball, spend time with the Fergason family, enjoy hilarity with my family at a bbq and a birthday dinner - too many great memories!

3) moved into a new place (fantastico, if i do say so myself!) and am happily settling in there for however long the Lord allows me to be here. Heather (my new roommate) and I are becoming good friends, and we've been able to host a BUNCH of social events as well as general "hanging out."

4) BARB - one of my dearest and oldest friends - came to visit Greenville in July. We had a SUPER time as she was able to help me pack, and keep me company while I moved a bit. We went to St. Louis a few times and enjoyed Thai food on DelMar (the "Broadway" of St. Louis)

5) Speaking of Barb... in August I was blessed to visit Seattle again to be a bridesmaid in her wedding. There aren't words to speak of the fun we had, or of the priviledge I felt to be a part of that event. I am happy to say CONGRATS to Rob and Barb Martin!!!

6) Football Camp began the DAY AFTER Rob and Barb's wedding... so I took the red-eye back to St. Louis after the wedding (and an AWESOME dinner at the Red Lobster with my aunts Gloria, Donna and Anita, and my uncle Brian). We had about 40 guys arrive on the first day, and another 40 on the second day... needless to say, its possible I haven't recovered yet from that weekend!

7) Football Camp and the season has been GOOD. The guys we have on the team this year are uniquely enthusiastic and "on board" with our program. They are loving and respectful and I feel more comfortable than ever here. I'm excited to be a part of this program and where we're going. And I have more opportunities than ever to share about Jesus both in my job and in ministry with women on campus.

8) The 2004 Season has started out rough scoreboard-wise- no wins yet. But we are optimistic that if we keep on with what we believe in... eventually we'll win!

9) BSF: I started BSF again this year. Leah (one of my good friends here) and I began attending the St. Louis Young Adults class a few weeks ago and we're hoping we will be able to continue this entire year. Its already been a GREAT HELP to my spiritual life!

Upcoming Events:
1) MY PARENTS are coming to visit for Homecoming weekend in two weeks (the week of 10/16) and I am SO excited for them to see my new place, meet my friends and see a football game. I can't wait to see them.

2) A couple other friends may be coming to visit on the weekend of our last homegame - please pray that they would be able to travel out here! I want THEM to meet my friends/family here, too!

3) My first trip EVER to Wisconsin (the weekend of the 23rd)

Have you tried this new ice cream place? (subtitled: John Piper and Me)

I don't actually know John Piper. But the former pastor at my former church (United Evangelical Free Church, Ballard WA) was a big fan. He (my pastor) knows how to have JOY in living for Jesus, and he recommended that I read "Desiring God" a couple years ago.

MAN is that book a good'un.

The way I feel about living and about how to live is so well articulated in that book that rather than tell people myself I sometimes want to just refer them to the book!

Ever since then I've been a John Piper FAN. I read "Let the Nations Be Glad" before I went on my first mission trip (to Chile in '02) and its a great treatment of why Christians should be missions-oriented (whether local or foreign). {basically that if we really have joy in following Jesus, then it automatically overflows to us talking about it - like a good restaurant or ice cream parlor - which is evangelism in its purest form}

So today is a great day - because not only did I get a care package from Kess' mom (M & M's and good homemade cookies) but I also received 3 books that I recently ordered, written by Piper.

They are:
1) A Hunger For God (desiring God through fasting and prayer)
2) The Pleasures of God (meditations on God's delight in being God)
3) (the purifying power of living by faith in...) Future Grace

I'm reading "The Four Loves" by C.S. Lewis right now (thanks, Larina) and so I'm going to double-time it to finish it this week so I can start a new book on the road trip to Benedictine this week! woohoooooo!

Blessings to you!

Tiff's Pic Posted by Hello

I hate the word "blog"...

...but I'm really excited that because of Bethany I now have one.

I'm thinking this may take the place of my former "Life in Greenville" update emails - easier and more likely to be updated regularly than the emailing.

And since I'm 3 months behind.... maybe my friends/family will like this better.

I'll post the update on the summer, soon. (oh, and the first 4 weeks of school)