Thursday, October 28, 2004

Life Lessons for Today

Proverbs 3:4-5 (Tiffani English Version)
Put no faith in your own insight or knowledge. Trust God alone to direct the future of your life circumstances - because he will.

Jeremiah 1:12 (TEV)
God will put his promises into effect. He has in the past, he will continue to do so.

Tiffani's commentary:

God will do the good HE pleases in HIS own good ways and at HIS good times and I need not have anxiety about short-term circumstances. Even when others act in "their" understanding of God and it affects me, it doesn't really matter - because God is sovereign over our WHOLE lives and the lives of others.

I will wait upon the Lord for HIS will to come to pass, even though at times the darkness is complete and I have no direction. I will trust in HIS goodness in all circumstances, even when the way is "fearsome" and unknown. Even when people act in ways that I believe are contrary to God's will, God's will will be done.

Weird and hard to understand. But true.

I will expect miracles that put into reality that which I have already believe to be truth about circumstances.

And on those things I will rest.

Love, Tiffani

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