Monday, October 11, 2004

Variety Show

1) Victory - week 2. So now we have a two game win-streak. That may sound funny... except that it's the first two-game streak we've had in the two seasons I've been here. Which is exciting! This week's game was PHENOMENAL. We beat a superior (in reality) opponent, barely, but we did. Maybe the most exciting part for me was the enthusiasm and energy of our players on the sidelines and our fans. We had about 100 fans attend the game and that was SUPER. Afterwards we went to the Stuber Family farm to enjoy a dinner that they planned for the players and fans. It was really fun and a great time for us to be "family."

2) Oswald Chambers. I am constanly encouraged as I read through "my utmost for his highest" - and I find that as I go through the daily readings each year different ones are applicable at different times. What a neat example of God's grace. This one applied recently: "We are apt to think that everything that happens to us is to be turned into useful teaching, it is to be turned into something better than teaching... into character. The mount is not meant to teach us anything, it is meant to make us something."
How am I using the experiences God is giving me? Am I applying them to my life, or pocketing them away for a teachable moment.

3) I am blessed by the women I meet with. One struggles constantly with spiritual matters in a practical day-to-day life way and we battle together. One other is a philosophical struggler and we have great talks. Both affect me in different ways. And I hope that I am being changed through my time with them more than I am changing them.

Thats it for now - off to BSF. So much in my heart to say today and I don't have "words" nor time to get it done. Perhaps tomorrow will be a tiffani-philosophy lesson.

Visit Countdown:
Parents - 3 days
Friends - 18 days

Love, Tiffani

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