Friday, October 15, 2004

An Ode to How Much Fun My Parents Are

An Ode to How Much Fun My Parents Are:

Last night my parents arrive in Greenville,
tired (running on 4 hours sleep and a long flight) but happy.
Immediately my mom and I began to cook,
dad kept us company as we chopped and grilled.
Heather was sent to pick up dressing as the party arrived.
First Kyle (always on-"time"), then Dave, then Leah.
Now Heather returns and dinner is served.

Mom and Dad say "Oh Honey, we don't think we'll stay too late."
But, Let's face it... they're Riggers - and we like a party.
Dinner (in a word): Superb, Company: Without equal.
After chowing on Caesar Salad and
Grilled Chicken Fettucini Alfredo (with fresh peppers and mushrooms),
Texas Hold'Em begins.

Barbs thown across the table from every side.
(and not friends named Barb, we're talking verbal jousts)
Friend to Friend.
Daughter to Parent.
Parent to Daughter, to Friend.
Friend to Parent.
Madness. And much laughter.
There are no punches pulled just because "mom and dad" are here.
In the end Dad takes it all.
Not that he's a professional, but he's good.

The game goes until 10:30... but where's the EMAP?

EMAP'ers begin to arrive and my party animal parents...

They meet Mom, they meet Dad, they stay and chat and joke.
At 11:30 Dave says "we're out" and all college students
(and non-resident adults) begin to leave.
My parents are the last ones at the deal.

I don't know that there are funner parents on the earth than mine.

T+13 hours since my parents arrived in Greenville. Already we have memories that I cherish. I am blessed beyond imagining with the family that I have been given. Who could have been so blessed as me!? :) (Ok, you may feel the same way)

More fun ahead today. Big family pizza party with the team, and then an alumni Volleyball game in which Heather will play.

Blessings, Tiffani

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