Thursday, October 07, 2004

Musicals, Meetings and Me

Some of my favorite things to do are: watch musicals and sing music.

Every Thursday morning we have a team meeting on campus (also every Tuesday morning and night...). The Thursday meetings are different, though. Kess speaks to any general team business and then they break up into offense/defense to watch film. At 8:40 we gather back up (any who want to) and have a time of singing worship music and praying.
Isn't that cool?!?
Our resident guitar volunteer is a defensive back/punter, who brings a song sheet and his guitar each week. This week we have 4 coaches, 3 offensive linemen and 2 linebackers in addition to the guitar guy. What a neat deal.

I am blessed in abundance by being a part of this program.

Last night Heather, Kyle and I invited Kyle's EMAP group (small group of players) to my house to watch JONAH - the veggie tales movie. Well, none showed up, but the three of us enjoyed it.

"If you haven't seen it.. .you're missing out." Kyle Krober

Here are some of my favorite lines:
"The only thing left is for me to be thrown into the sea!" Jonah (archibald asparagus)
"Do you want poking... or non-poking?" French Pea Maitre'D

In response to the owner of a snack stand who the pirates are fighting with when the owner says "Oh yeah? What'll you do to me?":
"What WILL we do to him?" (Mr. Lunt to Larry)
"We won't do anything. We're the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything." (Larry replies)
"Oh yeah. (to larry) Ya got off easy that time, matey!" (Mr. Lunt to the owner)

We laughed out loud a LOT. And I got to sing my two favorite songs from that movie:
1) God of Second Chances (a rousing gospel number sung by angels to Jonah in the belly of the whale) - sample: 'you ran from God this morning and ... you're...whale...chow...tonight!'

2) Message From the Lord (Jonah's message to the people of Israel) - sample: 'Do not fight, do not cheat, wash your hands before you eat... there is nothing quite as sweet, a message from the Lord'

So that was enough to entertain me last night AND this morning.

Blessings, TR

p.s. you can check it out at :)

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