Friday, October 08, 2004

Rainy Day Friday

Yesterday I wrote a few notes to some of the players. I have two "full-time" servant warriors* who work M-S helping us "run" every area of football related work. Technically, I oversee their work and their assignments, along with our office assistant.

So I wrote notes to Zac and Jared (the S-dubs) and another player. I put two of them up in their lockers, and the other in Jared's bag.

I've learned so much from being here. I know that I've always been a "words encourager" - it was evident in my last job, too. Sometimes, even, people feel like I encourage too much, to the point that it sounds insincere (that was a complaint from one of my employees at my last job). So I've worked to make more of my comments "value-added" - related to projects they are working on, attitudes, etc.

But the fact is that I'm a happy, grateful person (most days) and so I "talk" a lot in encouragement.

So back to the point. I feel like I've learned how to better listen to the Holy Spirit when it comes to words of encouragement. To heed his voice when I feel like I need to give someone a note or a card, or speak to them face to face and tell them truth. Its been hard, because sometimes its scary to go to someone randomly and say "Its going to be OK, God is happy with you" or whatever. But I've been rewarded so frequently with the reaction to the notes/words - especially here - that I'm working to do it more often.

Here is the response of Jared today when he got his note:
"Thanks for the note you placed in my clothing bag. You had excellent timing as usual. It is a true pleasure to be able to come to so called "Work" and be around you everyday. I find myself being blessed daily by being around you. Thanks for everything you do for me and the team."

How could you NOT want to give a note to someone when the response is like that.

And so even though its raining, and I'm tired and its already Friday, and only week 5 of the season.... I am blessed beyond imagining by the grace of my Lord.

Here is my top 10 today:
10. My roommate, Heather
9. Going to Vespers with Leah last night and seeing my girls
8. Seattle Weather (i love it and miss it - weird)
7. Its almost week 6
6. Cold enough weather to wear my beanie
5. The apparel from Sportex came in (most of it)
4. I love my job, and the men I work with (coaches)
3. The players make me laugh every day
2. The heat is working in our house
1. Jesus loves me unconditionally and I get to see him work in my heart and life

Be blessed today!
Love, Tiffani

1 comment:

bleev said...

YAY!! I LOVE your top ten... And you ARE such an encourager... I loved receiving your little notes and affirmations... I miss you SO much - Today was TOTAL seattle weather... and it sounds like it was for you and leah too!!! It rained all day long today with just a few dry spots between... no sun or blue sky though... i do miss the blue sky... have a good weekend - let's catch up soon!