Thursday, October 14, 2004

Feels like Friday to us...

T-minus 30 minutes until my parents arrive in Greenville.

I'm really happy. I'm also really tired despite sleeping in an extra 30 minutes this morning.

The weather yesterday, the day before AND today.... all "Seattle" winter. Makes me miss home. Also makes me want to take a nap... Heather is here at work helping me. We both think that today feels like Friday. I'm hoping its just the "mid-season" blues and nothing that will keep me confused for the next 5 weeks. It stinks to think that tomorrow is the game and its not... bummer.

My mom is making dinner tonight for me, Leah, Heather, Dave, and Kyle. And maybe Steve Moore (Dave's roommate, not my cousin, but also from WA), too. She has a FANTASTICO menu planned of Grilled Chicken Fettucini Alfredo, Caesar Salad and Ice Cream for dessert. Afterward I'm thinking we may play some Texas Hold'em and then Dave's EMAP group is coming over to watch a movie (during which I may sleep on the floor, in a exhaustion induced coma).

I keep meaning to post some pics. Will do from this weekend, soon, I hope.

Mom and Dad emailed me with pictures yesterday of: 1) my brother, Ben, and his SLIM self, 2) Ben's new Nissan truck, 3) the new front door and 4) the new fountain in the front courtyard. It looks nice and warm there.

Big weekend against a big team. And on Sunday we're hoping (my family) to go to Six Flags in St. Louis.

T-minus 20 minutes. I'm kind of excited.

May you have excitement in YOUR night.
Love, Tiff

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