Monday, October 04, 2004

VICTORY! and rest

Great trip this weekend - NOT necessarily because we WON (24-12), but just overall a good time.

The hotel (Naperville Fairfield Inn) was nice, and they were great to us. The trip home was long, but Coach Banks (who often drives the van, which we call the "Party Bus") is gracious, and so when I (the navigator) realized that I had taken us WEST instead of EAST for about 15 miles too far... he simply said "well, I think we should do this then...." and didn't freak out.

That was good, because I was mad at myself a little. I got over it, but we didn't get to Greenville until almost 11:30pm (45 minutes after the bus) and so that was a bummer.

I was able to have a quiet time outside on the hotel porch (they have a covered porch with rocking chairs) in the morning on Saturday and it was lovely. The weather was sunny and cold (though it poured rain the night before) and refreshing. I took some time reading Acts 6 for BSF and sitting quietly.

Sunday. I slept until 9am - praise Jesus! I was pretty tired when I went to bed the night before - Heather and I stayed up talking until 1am. I went to Smith Grove for church and Tony preached on Psalm 139 and the three "Omni's" of God. It was a GREAT sermon.

1) God is Omniscient - he knows everything about me, and cares about me personally.
2) God is Omnipresent - he is everywhere with me, I can't hide from him.
3) God is Omnipotent - he is in control of everything, and powerful to work in my life.

It was a message that was timely for me and reminded me that whatever I'm praying for, God already knows about it - he planned all of my days before I was even born, and He has a plan to work it all out (Rom. 8:28).

Later I ate breakfast at Ethan's with a few students and then I took a nap. It was delightful to sleep a bit, and then enjoy the evening making cookies and watching "Twister". Now if only my BSF were finished!

Two weeks only until my parents come to visit. I'm really excited to see them!

Love, Tiffani

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