Thursday, October 28, 2004

John Piper says:

"God is not done with the work of missions. He said go make disciples of all nations. And then he said, “I will be with you to the end of the age.” The promise is good till Jesus comes, because the commission is binding till Jesus comes. Therefore you and I face the question individually what our role is in obeying the great commission to reach all the unreached peoples of the world with the gospel of the riches of Christ."

Thats just enough to tempt you (I hope) to read the entire article, which I am half-way through. Piper blows my mind. He says what my heart thinks before I can put words on it.

Enjoy if you so choose to partake:

(excerpt above taken from the above reference)

And may God's blessings overwhelm you today. Tiffani

1 comment:

bleev said...

I haven't read the whole article... but it is JESUS... I have been called to dream and remember passions of mine... and one has been technology and missions - and the Lord has totally opened up these windows - into some awesome deals... Plus, Discipleship Journal this month is called, "Into All the World" regarding missions, etc... SO good. I want to go to the nations. (Read October 28th for more info). Alrighty. Be Blessed - love you friend, B.