Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Visitors from Another Place

Nope, not aliens...
My friends Brian Burdon and Kristen Falkenberg!

Brian and Kristen came to visit this weekend as part of my "Come to Historic Greenville" campaign. (for more information email me!)

We had a GREAT time. Kristen drove in from K.C. on Friday night and we got some good "talking time" before we went to sleep. She picked up Brian in the AM from the airport, while I began working (game day, you know). They both helped me as we prepared for "Senior Day" (it was our last home game this year) AND "Jr. Comet Football Day" - which somehow all ended up occuring on the same day...

The game and day were a little more crazy than normal, but both B and K seemed to enjoy the hulabaloo of the day.

The game was REALLY fun (though I filmed the 2nd 1/2, so I didn't get to experience it with my pals) - and ended in a VICTORY for the Panthers (currently 3-5 on the season).

After the game we enjoyed Mario's Pizza at our house with some friends. What a treat. Church on Sunday and lunch at Farmer's (lots of good car time with my friends this weekend). A walk around Historic Greenville, and then BOBBY'S and a movie ("Ray") in Edwardsville.

side note: for those of you who visit... there is a sign advertising "Historic Greenville" at the edge of town... and it happens to be RIGHT in front of Chang's Chinese Restaurant and Buffet. Its important to note that Chang's does not necessarily comprise the entirety of historic Greenville... nor is it maybe even included in the area labeled "Historic Greenville".

I was exhausted at work on Monday morning, but not so exhausted that I didn't enjoy lunch with B and K at Chang's (see above), also accompanied by Dave and Kyle. We forgot our camera so there is no picture, sadly, of the "historic" event... :)

Kristen left shortly after and I took Brian to the airport on our way to BSF. I was sad to see them go, but SOOOO glad that they came to visit. I was COMPLETELY and TOTALLY blessed by their visit.

Last night at BSF we were studying the conclusion of Paul's first missionary journey (Acts 14). And the lesson/lecture/notes discussed how different Derbe was from the other towns that the apostles/disciples had visited. After being persecuted all across Cyprus and Turkey, they came to Derbe where they had rest from persectution.

The "principle" was that "As we work for Christ, He will give us rest and refreshing when we need it"

That principle was true in my life this weekend. Circumstances had come together to make me feel tired, overwhelmed, unsure of my future and more. And I was fighting as best as I knew how, within that context, and trying to allow the joy of the Lord to be my strength.
But the Lord knew better and gave me rest when I needed it.

Even though the visit took a lot out of me (sleep-wise), I feel emotionally refreshed and I'm grateful that "Tall Brian" and Kristen were a part of the working of the Lord to get me there.

I'll have pics up soon from their visit. :)

Love (off to the last v-ball game of the season), Tiff

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