Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Peace Like a River (and other BSF revelations)

First, let me say that I'm grateful for Rana. (some of you know her) She speaks truth to me. Last night she in particular spoke truth and it was the beginning of the revelations I had at BSF last night. Grateful for that woman!

Second, BSF continues to be incredible for me. I missed last year a ton. Not that I didn't grow last year (!) but I am glad at how the lessons continue to meet me where I'm at every week.

Here are my two revelations:
1) The question was "How do you squander your time in the wilderness of mediocrity by not believing what God has promised because of your unbelief?"
To me (once I figured out the question) I realized that if I truly (truly) believed God's promises I could "stop". Stop working, stop striving, stop trying to make things work the way I think they should work. That I live in the "wilderness of mediocrity" - instead of being GREAT - because I don't believe.
2) Follow that up with the Sabbath-rest for the people of God. Which made me think. God promises a spiritual rest (salvation), a physical rest (heavenly) - but ALSO we can have God's REST even now. As we believe (see #1), and we ACT in belief, we have REST for our soul.

Peace like a river.

Even in the midst of the twists, turns, falls, a river continues on its way... because it knows it's destination - and its destination doesn't change. Despite rapids, droughts, pouring into lakes, draining out... it continues steadfastly.

I realized that I don't always have peace like a river. Nor do I always believe I can have it. But I can, and Lord willing... I will "work" to keep it.

Love, Tiffani

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