Saturday, December 04, 2004

Thanksgiving reflections

1) I am thankful. Period. Simply thankful for it all.

2) Thanksgiving Day 2004 ranks in the top 5 of history for me, I think (I sort of "rolled" all the 'normal' family thanksgivings into "one", and all the times at Anne's family's into one)
speaking of that, here are some fun historical thanksgiving memories (in NO order):
a) ben losing his two front teeth when we were playing circus on the bunk beds.
b) making apple pies with anne and ginny
c) cooking with my mom and eating outside with glo and donna on the PATIO (last year)
d) hanging out with my friends (this year) and watching TV's and Movies while we ate

3) It was so fun to have my (local) friends here - well, a lot of them, for Thanksgiving. Laura and Andy, Kess, Dave, Steve Moore (not my cousin, the coach) and Dave's brother Brandon even for a short time. We made it a great time. Watched Elf, watched football, watched Bad Company (pretty funny movie with Chris Rock). Ate LOTS of food, ate LOTS of dessert (yum!!) - and the evening lasted until late into the night. Fun and relaxing.

4) I think I slept (on average) about 9+ hours per night the whole weekend. It was great, but I made myself want to stay up late and sleep in, so its been a tough week.

I wouldn't have traded that Thanksgiving memory for anything in the world. And, she notes sadly to herself, I didn't get a picture.

Love, T

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