Saturday, December 04, 2004

This Week in History

1) Its after midnight on Friday. One week after Thanksgiving. Four days after Kess announced his resignation. The campus is in shock, the kids are a little dismayed.

And I don't know where I will go or what I will do.

2) I am going to the Dahnke's Christmas tree farm and I'm looking forward to it - even though I'm going alone. Good car time to think and make calls. Good family to visit, who will give me a hug and welcome me as their own daughter.

3) I'm big into "numbering" this week.

4) I got a TON of stuff done this week - bulk mailing to 2000 recruits, worked on getting the addresses ready for mailing to 400 coaches and the high schools of our players (dave helped me a ton here), letters for the player's school mailing written and cross referenced the lists. Only transcribed 1/2 of two tapes though.. got to get on that on Sunday, I guess (or tomorrow after I return)

5) Bought some pictures from Photoworks (don't like their new site as much, fyi, and why is there no more black/white?!?) for a Christmas project. Now all I need is spray adhesive and I'm set.

6) OK, its 12:43, and I'm not productively "blogging" - just rambling. Maybe I'll post tomorrow (but no numbering) and try to dialogue about what its like to try and reassure the kids that all will be ok (which it will, for the record, God is faithful) and at the same time look for a job. Weird.

Love, Tiffani

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