Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Of Shadows and Smallness (part 2)

So I'm studying Hebrews right now - in BSF. I'm enjoying it a ton and grateful for Leah who helps me to make it there and back each week (!).

Last week we dove into chapters 6-10 of this deep book. It was all about how Christ is superior. A superior sacrifice (once for all vs. continuous), a superior priest (always lives to intercede vs. will die), a superior sanctuary (one where we can approach the most holy place with confidence vs. one only accessible to the high priest) and a superior covenant (one that depends not on human action, but God alone and that promises total forgiveness forever).

But it was also about how all those previous pieces (priests, sanctuaries, sacrifices, etc) were all shadows compared to the real thing. They were important and had value - most particularly, though, in pointing to the fact that something real did exist.

Well since then I've seen more and more shadows in the Old Testament - i.e. manna from heaven, water from the rock, etc. There are a ton.

And today I thought about all the men I've "liked" in my life. None of them has been, yet, the one I'm going to marry. But I believe I will get married (even as I approach the mid-way point of my 31st year). But they've all been shadows of the one I will marry. Each a little "more" like who I'd like to be with for day-to-day life, but none of them "it."

Its a relief somewhat, and helps me to say "he's just a shadow" when I feel the sting of unrequited affection (which I still feel regularly for a guy friend of mine). He's a shadow. He points to the real thing - he has many characteristics of the man I'm praying for. But the shadow simply is a reminder that the real thing - better in so many ways for its 3-dimensions, color and "self" - is out there and I simply need to look.

So that's one area the Lord has taken care of for me, or rather - one area I can recognize He's taken care of for me.

Now if I only knew what I wanted to do with my life, and how to do it. No biggie. :)

God is in the heavens, he will do as he pleases. Thankfully scripture doesn't leave it at that. "God's whim" - but it also says "He will work all things together for good, for those who love him and are called according to his purposes."

So I need not fear. But I will ask God to be small enough to hear me, tonight.

Love, Tiffani

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