Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Briefly... because I'm leaving work in 7 minutes to go work out at home with Heather, and then I think we're planning to eat "thanksgiving dinner" in the DC.

Additionally... the AMAZING RACE starts tonight. SOOOO excited. :) Its shallow, maybe, to be excited about a TV show. But its my favorite.

Last Wednesday night I was blessed to be able to speak at an event called "Do You Think I'm Beautiful?" I was first of all moved to tears by Joy Wrigglesworth's talk on wanting to be loved in all of our "naturalness" (my word) - without makeup, fancy clothes and hair, as we are on the inside without dressing up the outside. And I was challenged by Sarah Luke, who spoke after me about "little-g" gods in our lives - the things that we hold on to that stop us from following God (in this case, our self-image, etc).

I spoke on words. How they bless and curse. The bible says the "power of death and life are in the tongue." How they've blessed me in my life, and how they've cursed me.

So many of us are torn to shreds by one word from someone else, that happens to hit the exact wrong place in our heart.

More about that tomorrow.

Gotta go do Tae-Bo.

:) Love, Tiffani

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