Monday, October 18, 2004

Monday, Monday

1) Its STORMY here in Mid-America. I awoke at 5am to flashbulbs going off in my room - no, wait, it was lightning attacking me from every corner.
Made me remember the Psalmist's description of the Lord's defense of us: "Out of the brightness of his presence clouds advanced, with hailstones and bolts of lightning. The Lord thundered from heaven; the voice of the Most High resounded. (Ps 18:12-13)
Whenever I see lightning and hear thunder, I remember that the Lord comes in defense of me, when I am being attacked (no matter the situation - earthly or spiritually), he is my true Defender.

2) My parents leave today to head back to (sunny!) Phoenix. WHAT A VISIT.
We had a great time together. Friday was nice - we spent time with the team and the Panther Parents at a pizza dinner, then went home and spent time together at my house. Saturday we got to walk around town between FB team breakfast and the game, and then they got the FULL Tiffani experience, as they sat with me near my statisticians for the entire game. VERY fun for me. I got to introduce them at the "Family Locker Room" after the game....

"Hey Triplets! Go Triplets! Attaway! Attaway!" - because the players couldn't get over how much I looked like both mom AND dad.

We went to a FANTASTICO mexican dinner on Saturday night at one of my favorite places - Rancho Nuevo, in Vandalia. And then we headed into town to catch a Greenville College favorite (band): SausageFest - a crazy band made up of (now) alumni, who sing goofy songs about Greenville situations and places (i.e. there is a song about Chang's Chinese Restaurant, and one about getting an MRS. degree). I think my parents enjoyed it - though you could hardly understand the words (not a great sound system in play that night).

Sunday morning I made breakfast for my folks and Heather, we all went to church and then headed to St. Louis to SIX FLAGS. It was a great day, sunny and not too cold. We enjoyed a few hours there on various rides (the NINJA was great, and my favorite - - - Scooby Doo) and then went out to dinner - RED LOBSTER. It was quite a day for all of us.

We capped off mom and dad's visit with a viewing of "The Day After Tomorrow" at my house.

Phew - what a weekend and what a great visit. I will have a picture up of the three of us (mom/dad and I) soon.

3) Mondays. Today is a rough one, started out good (though stormy) but I had a bad couple of hours. Since I've turned 30 I feel like I've fluctuated more with circumstances (mood-wise) than I used to. So I'm about to take a few minutes and rein it all back in. I'm making it a great afternoon (and evening, when I go to BSF with Leah) no matter what.

Its just going to be great day. I'm making it that way. Period.


Psalm 18:32-34
It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of the deer; he enables me to stand in the heights. He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze.

Love, Tiff

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