Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Summer Updates/Reflections

1) the Brother's Karamazov. Read it. It was incredible. I wept at the end. It made me think a ton about justice. I know its it.

2) On Being 30. Pretty much the same as being 29 at this point. Though I hear my "body will change"... and coincidentally I'm having some tendonitis in my knee... but I'm not believing that its because I'm 30. ... smile.

3) On Being Single. Its much harder to be married than it is to be single. As a single person, everything is about ME. My desires, my plans, what I like. Having a roommate is helping me get out of that attitude a little bit... a little bit. But the truth is, that being said, I like being single most days. I don't think I'll be single forever... but I think I've decided to enjoy it thoroughly while I'm here.

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