Monday, February 27, 2006


I've been encouraged lately that more people read this blog than I thought. :) So... thanks. I will try to honor your attention with more updates! As my friend Travis says... "YEE!"

I've been recruiting tonight - for about 90 minutes so far. I'm a lucky one in this respect, blessed. The football coaches have to recruit multiple nights and some of them have over 200 recruits still. I have 20. Granted, there was a time when I had a lot more than I do now, and tomorrow I'm going to generate a bunch more pitchers to talk to - maybe I'll get up to 40? Anyway, in 90 minutes I either called and talked with, or left a msg and sent an email to all 20.

I kind of like recruiting... ("Freak" is what I hear in my head... :)) Its a great opportunity to partner with people in the decisions that will affect their lives forever. I have my friend Dave Banks to thank for that attitude. He once told me that if he looked at it as helping them make a good decision about their future (versus selling a certain school) that it helped his attitude. It certainly has helped my attitude!

All that being said, its nice when I can get done before 9pm since my bedtime is 9:45 and I like to actually get to bed on time.

I got to bed last night on time, but slept fitfully for a while. But when my alarm went off (at the unusually early time of 4:20am) I rolled straight out of bed - no snoozing! no groaning! just off to the shower. It was so encouraging!!! I was out of the shower by 4:35 and into a quiet time by 4:50. Lately its been 5:10 by the time I get to the chair and open the word and then I try to stick to my guns of 30 minutes with the Lord all the time knowing that will make me late for work.

Today, getting up on time and having EXTRA time with God, being on time to work... I felt more like myself than I have in a YEAR.

Hooray for Jesus and restoration.

OK, I've got to call a girl back now - thanks for listening!

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