Friday, February 24, 2006

Spiritual Formation and Soul Care


This option is so compelling to me, that its been really on my mind these last two days.

Here are some excerpts from this program:
(Biola, Talbot School of Theology, Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation and Soul Care)

Objectives of the program:
The Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation and Soul Care is designed as a personal growth, academic and professional program for specialized ministry. It is an intensive, integrative program within the Institute for Spiritual Formation at Talbot School of Theology, developed to equip men and women for the ministry of discipleship, spiritual direction, formation and soul care in the local church and for further academic training in Spiritual Formation.

The program is shaped around promoting growth in the believer's inner life of faith and prayer with God in the context of a shared community and developed knowledge-base in the Word, spiritual formation and soul care. It focuses specifically on ways to deepen one's knowledge and openness to God and His work as well as understanding of one's self and others in order to grow toward conformity of character and inner life in the image of Christ. In turn, it trains leaders in soul care to be spiritual mentors, directors and teachers who will assist others in their journey of growth in Christ and His body. In order to accomplish this, the program has a substantial emphasis on understanding the dynamics of the Indwelling Holy Spirit as they interface human personality and relational dynamics. These integrative endeavors are enhanced by the Institute's diverse university-wide faculty which draws particularly upon Rosemead School of Psychology and Talbot School of Theology, bringing a wide range of expertise and experience to bear upon the process of human spiritual growth and soul care.

Because the program is experiential, theoretical and mentoring in nature, the Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation and Soul Care is fashioned along the lines of an Apprentice Training Model which includes the following componentsfirst
Experiential-relational soul work in classes and co-curricular requirements
In-depth theoretical and integrative course work, employing the creation disciplines such as theology, philosophy, psychology and education to aid in understanding the spiritual life and mentoring

Various training and service opportunities including: (a) coursework designed to train students to do soul care or spiritual direction, (b) actual practice in doing
soul care and spiritual mentoring with others in a church or university context
and (c) professional supervision from a faculty spiritual mentor regarding the
student's soul work with others

Consequently, the Master of Arts in
Spiritual Formation and Soul Care is intended to help prepare students for
professional and lay ministry as associate pastor and teacher of adult
ministries, spiritual direction, teaching, mentoring, discipleship as well as
preparation for further education and training in Spiritual Formation to teach
in Christian university and seminary contexts. (more info)

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm I say again. This school is
1) completely off my radar really, i hadn't even considered it until this week
2) more expensive than the other options - I don't know if they offer any grad assistantships, I might only be able to get a regular campus job.
3) very well known and respected, pretty conservative, and evangelical

James says, "if anyone lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault.. and it will be given to him" and my mom reminded me of this verse from Isaiah: God said "I will lead the blind by ways they have not known" (42:16). its comforting to remember that I may not know where i am headed and may even have not thought of it yet... but God knows. He knows the plans he has for me. HE KNOWS.

May he reveal to us only as we need it.

Love, Tiff

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Tiff,

Bet you didn't know I read your blog! It sounds like you have some really big decisions coming up, but you're right, God knows just where to bring you, for your good and the good of the Kingdom.

My point of writing this is: the Youth Director at my church took his undergrad at Azusa Pacific, and his wife took hers from Biola. He is working on his M.Div. at Fuller Seminary in Pasadena, but he knows both of the schools you're interested in quite well. If you like, you can email me at lizjury [at] comcast [dot] net, and I will put you in touch with him.

Blessings and God's peace!