Thats a title to a book actually, but I'm not writing about the book.
(see the book to the left, courtesy of Amazon.com)
I'm not sure what the book says, but this is what I say: "If I don't have a peace or confidence about it.... I'm not doing it." And so that leads me to today.
One of the universities I'm interested in attending is Baylor (in Waco, TX - about 1 hour south of Dallas). To attend there I essentially need to have a graduate assistant position (or a job with a school in the area) - this is not only a financial requirement for me, but a requirement for their program. The best way to get one of these assistantships is to apply and then attend a GA interview "weekend"... March 2nd and 3rd. So GREAT - I'll fly to Dallas, rent a car, drive to Waco, blah blah blah and work on my future.....
March 3rd is the day before Leah's wedding, and the rehearsal is that evening. WHICH means that I need to be back in GREENVILLE and looking nice by.... lets say 5-ish (and that may be late, I have no idea of the timing of anything right now). Which means that I need to get a flight which gets me into St. Louis before 4pm....
Southwest offered flights this morning for those days for $44 each - $104 total, basically the same amount of money that a friend and her husband recently gave to me in an unmarked envelope, and which I stated would go into the graduate school fund. The trip out on the 1st isn't a big deal - I can leave at 6:35 and get there around 8:35 and get into Waco I figure by 10 to get my beauty sleep.
*** sidenote... does anyone know anyone who lives in or near Waco and could put me up for 2 nights?****
The problem arrives in my departure. I have no idea if I need to do any interviewing on the 3rd. And frankly, I don't know when I'll know this information. But to get back to Greenville in time I must leave DALLAS at 12:30, which means I have to be there by 11:30 at the latest (assuming I was able to pre-check-in) and that means I have to leave Waco by about 10am to facilitate rental car and drive time stuff..... 10am. So................. hmmmmm.
I didn' t buy the ticket. I didn't have peace about it. Its too soon to know if I should do it, and I'm simply trusting God that he's going to provide another good deal when the time is right. I'm trusting God that the people at Baylor will understand my conflict with needing to be back in Greenville, and I'm trusting God that the rehearsal won't be until the later evening. All questionable.
So thats where I am today. Trying to trust God for my future. Knowing that having a certain peace "sounds" like hoo-hah, but its always worked for me and so I'm going with it today.
And on that note..... lift is moving too fast for me and I have to sign off now. I hope to update again soon!
Love, me.
I like the peace ticker.
Love you!
P.S. I am happy to see a new post!
I found you blog
coach h
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