Thursday, February 23, 2006

Lions, Tigers and Decisions, Oh my.

A couple months ago I felt like: "OK, I'm going to go to graduate school, study college student affairs and eventually work in a college as an academic or career advisor, or as a chaplain or maybe in some other area of student development."

The staff here (my AD and the Dean of Students) are trying to get me to stay here in varying capacities - either in my current role or as a career advisor do my schooling on the side or over the summers.

For the last two nights I've thought, "Maybe I'm on the wrong track - should I consider instead studying something that would prepare me for church ministry to college students or women? in particular in planting churches and being overseas? Should I learn spanish?"

That's where I'm at today.

Baylor - College Student Affairs - don't know if I'll be able to interview for a GA spot because of Leah's rehearsal dinner. My flight leaves Dallas (1 hour from Waco) at 12:30... and the interviews don't even start in Waco until around 10am... bummer.

Azusa - College Student Affairs - very excited about this program and the oppty to attend here, plus could add some of the ministry stuff if I desired.

Abilene Chrisitian - Higher Ed - interesting program, very nice people.

Biola (**new**) - could do ministry in abundance!

We'll see, I guess.

1 comment:

bleev said...

I absolutely LOVE that you have so many options. LIFE is open for you to explore. I KNOW that you are going to be blessed and used wherever you end up next. I pray that Jesus would continue to give you clarity, confidence and wisdom as you make practical choices!