Wednesday, March 01, 2006

THE AMAZING RACE - Numero Nueve (9)

OK – the verdict is in from Greenville....

We believe this could be the funniest Amazing Race YET!

The early favorites from our group are: BJ and Tyler and Dave and Lori.
I love the “kooks” as I’m calling them (in an affectionate way, though everyone else on the show is calling them the hippies) – they are so fun and have a lot of crazy spirit. I’m hoping they continue to be nice and don’t get mean.

And... no surprise, I REALLY love the nerds. I like that I can call them nerds because they call themselves that. I like that he said she’s good at card games and he’s good at math tests – I laughed out loud.

Finally, one of the the high comedic points of my night was when “MO JO” was at the ticket counter, approximately 2 hours after the race begins and she was about to get really upset because of the flights and we (at my house) were all thinking – “whoa, its way to early to be that upset” and the boyfriend says, “Are you really about to start crying?!?!”... articulating the words in ALL of our heads.

Check out these websites for more info:

What did you think?

1 comment:

Alexis Cruikshank said...

Every time I see commercials for The Amazing Race I think of you since I know you love it! Unfortunatly Greg and I have had to give up all our favorite shows (Lost, Alias, Veronica Mars) because of our busy schedules. We only manage to see The Office every week since it is on late and is only 30 min long! We LOVE The Office!!!!

Happy viewing!