If we are not moved by the plight of the abuse of children in other nations, or even our own, then can we truly call ourselves Christians? More importantly, if the movement of our heart does not move us to some sort of action: financial, spiritual (prayer), personal (going) - then we have to wonder again - do we really exhibit the spirit of the Lord.
I don't know that I do, when I see things like this and realize that the most I can say is that I faithfully give $30 a month to World Vision to support Stephen Pole, a young boy (in high school now, I think) in Uganda. I'm not downplaying that help - its a blessing to give it - but how often do I pray for him? And do I even pray for him as I write my check, or has it become a passionless "task", a "to-do" on my never-ending list of household responsibilities?
So donate to World Vision (by all means, they are one of the TOP children's aid organizations in the world) but also check out these two websites:

Tiff!! yay for invisible children. i wish i could tell you in 5 seconds all i know now. i have met several people from the north and people who have had brothers, cousins kidnapped or killed and been in the middle of fighting. the good news is that abductions are not necessarily helping right now, but the big problem is rehab for those coming out of the bush and the IDP camps where a thousand people die every week from poor conditions. anyway, i respect your conflict on what to do with money, it's something we're dealing with right now, and gotta say i don't have any answers, but i'm glad that invisible children is getting the awareness out. it'll at least help people not think about themselves so much. anyway, love you! you looked beautiful at leah's wedding! the girls sent me pics. thanks for the email! :) byebye
What are those missing pictures of?
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