Monday, February 27, 2006


I've been encouraged lately that more people read this blog than I thought. :) So... thanks. I will try to honor your attention with more updates! As my friend Travis says... "YEE!"

I've been recruiting tonight - for about 90 minutes so far. I'm a lucky one in this respect, blessed. The football coaches have to recruit multiple nights and some of them have over 200 recruits still. I have 20. Granted, there was a time when I had a lot more than I do now, and tomorrow I'm going to generate a bunch more pitchers to talk to - maybe I'll get up to 40? Anyway, in 90 minutes I either called and talked with, or left a msg and sent an email to all 20.

I kind of like recruiting... ("Freak" is what I hear in my head... :)) Its a great opportunity to partner with people in the decisions that will affect their lives forever. I have my friend Dave Banks to thank for that attitude. He once told me that if he looked at it as helping them make a good decision about their future (versus selling a certain school) that it helped his attitude. It certainly has helped my attitude!

All that being said, its nice when I can get done before 9pm since my bedtime is 9:45 and I like to actually get to bed on time.

I got to bed last night on time, but slept fitfully for a while. But when my alarm went off (at the unusually early time of 4:20am) I rolled straight out of bed - no snoozing! no groaning! just off to the shower. It was so encouraging!!! I was out of the shower by 4:35 and into a quiet time by 4:50. Lately its been 5:10 by the time I get to the chair and open the word and then I try to stick to my guns of 30 minutes with the Lord all the time knowing that will make me late for work.

Today, getting up on time and having EXTRA time with God, being on time to work... I felt more like myself than I have in a YEAR.

Hooray for Jesus and restoration.

OK, I've got to call a girl back now - thanks for listening!

Seeing Jesus as the Truth

I'm teaching at our college ministry on Sunday nights. I've been relying heavily on the book "We Would See Jesus" (have I mentioned all of this before?). So anyway, last night's teaching was seeing Jesus as the "Truth" (jn14:6) - not truth as in Christian Doctrine, but truth as a revalation of who we are in our true nature, truth in opposition to evil.

A friend of mine posted on her blog that she was struggling with seeing who she really is (the sinner side) and this message addressed just that, so I'm going to put it here:
Did you know that the word truth appears 42 times in the apostle john's writings (between the gospel and epistles)? In most of those cases the "truth" is in direct opposition to the enemy's lies or to evil. In this way, truth is more a "revelation of reality" than a doctrinal position.

The devil's lies in Gen 3 were primarily that men weren't really that low (they could in fact become like God) and God wasn't really that holy or good (he was unjust and unfair in his treatment of man, and by effort they could be like him). One of the devil's main lies is to flatter men (raise them higher) and malign God (lower Him). Those lies exist today - we hear "I'm not so bad, especially when i compare myself to those other people - they don't even________ (fill in the blank)"

But our hearts are just as often the culprits in the battle for truth vs. evil. Jeremiah said that the heart is deceitful and there is no cure for it. John tells us that we do evil, not truth - we lie to ourselves about ourselves and end up believing our own lies. We believe we are better or worse than we are - whichever benefits us better in standing before God and man.

Jesus, though, came as a likeness of man (Romans 8:13). And he said, "I am the Truth" (John 14:6). The cross of calvary reveals God's gracious love while simultaneously contrasting it with the stark truth of man's depravity. By seeing Jesus' punishment we see the depth of our sin.

Jesus, as our likeness, was in effect, an effigy, an representation of you and of me. And at the moment he became that likeness, God forsook him - not as Jesus, but AS you and me. Which shows us our true selves... forsaken and deserving of punishment for our sin. But it also shows God as supremely loving (2 Cor 5:19).

Here is the key to tonight's teaching: the relation of Jesus to me and you, and the location in particular of his deal and what it means to us.

Hebrews 13:11-13 (from

11The high priest carries the blood of animals into the Most Holy Place as a sin
offering, but the bodies are burned outside the camp. 12And so Jesus also
suffered outside the city gate to make the people holy through his own blood.
13Let us, then, go to him outside the camp, bearing the disgrace he bore.

Jesus was taken outside "the camp", the city to the place of disgrace - bearing OUR resemblance.

The readers of Hebrews would have understood this terminology better than us today. In the OT, being inside the camp was to be inside the place of blessing. In the center was the tabernacle - where GOD dwelt - in the day he was a pillar of cloud, at night a pillar of fire. The tribes surrounded the tabernacle on 4 sides, interacting with each other and with God. They were guarded, received, protected and loved.
Outside the camp was where the foreigners lived (those who were not children of the promise), where the lepers lived (uncared for, virtually abandoned); the criminals were executed here and the bodies of animals used for sin offerings were burned here - the bodies of animals which bore the spiritual stain of sin clean through were constantly being burned and their stench was a constant reminder that this was a place of disgrace. This location was utterly abhorrent to man and God.

And this is where Jesus went to be crucified.

Three key learnings here:
Jesus went to the place of God-forsakenness. Sin begins with us forsaking God and ends with God forsaking us (Hell). Our condition before God as sinners is clearly demonstrated if at the moment Jesus took on our sin he was forsaken by God.

Jesus went to the place of the moral leper. Leprosy is a sneaky and destructive disease, like sin, which numbs the body slowly, rendering the person afflicted with infection and disease due to mistreatment of their own wounds (which occur from not being able to feel a wound occuring). It renders the sufferer unknowable and enables death. This is a declaration of our condition of sinners before God, because Jesus (in our place) was taken outside the camp to be put to death.

Jesus went to the place of criminals. Dying on a cross was a particular disgrace in that culture - like the electric chair today - it was reserved for the most offensive criminals. He was identified as a criminal, even being crucified between two others, and did not once object to that label. He never said, "you've got it wrong... its really YOU, not me" - he just took the label. Because he was there for me, for you - and we are criminals in the eyes of God.

Ultimately, this is us - sinners, forsaken, lepers, criminals - no matter how we look on the outside and (this part hurts) no matter how we compare in our estimation to our neighbor. This applies to old and young believers alike. If I see nothing new of sin in my life today in response to this truth, then my sin and shame are pride, self-righteousness and indulgence.

The glory of all of this is that while the cross reveals the truth about US, it also reveals the truth about God, who offers mercy and forgiveness to the most vile sinner.

Final thought: God lays out a bunch of laws in Leviticus about behavior and "cleanliness" - and also a bunch of ways to be made unclean. In OT times there was no cure for Leprosy. But for some reason part of the Levitical law details how to be made "unclean" once the leprosy has been healed!!! And then Jesus came - and he HEALED LEPERS. He cleansed the "sin" of the "sinful" and instructed them to follow the instructions that God had already given - GOD HAS A PLAN OF GRACE FOR YOUR LIFE AND FOR MINE THAT PREDATES ANY SIN YOU HAVE COMMITTED. HIS PLAN IS JESUS.

anyway, i hope you were blessed in the reading and if the Lord provided any conviction, i hope that you will respond with confession and reciept of his forgiveness. (1 John 1:9)

love, tiff

Friday, February 24, 2006

Spiritual Formation and Soul Care


This option is so compelling to me, that its been really on my mind these last two days.

Here are some excerpts from this program:
(Biola, Talbot School of Theology, Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation and Soul Care)

Objectives of the program:
The Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation and Soul Care is designed as a personal growth, academic and professional program for specialized ministry. It is an intensive, integrative program within the Institute for Spiritual Formation at Talbot School of Theology, developed to equip men and women for the ministry of discipleship, spiritual direction, formation and soul care in the local church and for further academic training in Spiritual Formation.

The program is shaped around promoting growth in the believer's inner life of faith and prayer with God in the context of a shared community and developed knowledge-base in the Word, spiritual formation and soul care. It focuses specifically on ways to deepen one's knowledge and openness to God and His work as well as understanding of one's self and others in order to grow toward conformity of character and inner life in the image of Christ. In turn, it trains leaders in soul care to be spiritual mentors, directors and teachers who will assist others in their journey of growth in Christ and His body. In order to accomplish this, the program has a substantial emphasis on understanding the dynamics of the Indwelling Holy Spirit as they interface human personality and relational dynamics. These integrative endeavors are enhanced by the Institute's diverse university-wide faculty which draws particularly upon Rosemead School of Psychology and Talbot School of Theology, bringing a wide range of expertise and experience to bear upon the process of human spiritual growth and soul care.

Because the program is experiential, theoretical and mentoring in nature, the Master of Arts in Spiritual Formation and Soul Care is fashioned along the lines of an Apprentice Training Model which includes the following componentsfirst
Experiential-relational soul work in classes and co-curricular requirements
In-depth theoretical and integrative course work, employing the creation disciplines such as theology, philosophy, psychology and education to aid in understanding the spiritual life and mentoring

Various training and service opportunities including: (a) coursework designed to train students to do soul care or spiritual direction, (b) actual practice in doing
soul care and spiritual mentoring with others in a church or university context
and (c) professional supervision from a faculty spiritual mentor regarding the
student's soul work with others

Consequently, the Master of Arts in
Spiritual Formation and Soul Care is intended to help prepare students for
professional and lay ministry as associate pastor and teacher of adult
ministries, spiritual direction, teaching, mentoring, discipleship as well as
preparation for further education and training in Spiritual Formation to teach
in Christian university and seminary contexts. (more info)

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm I say again. This school is
1) completely off my radar really, i hadn't even considered it until this week
2) more expensive than the other options - I don't know if they offer any grad assistantships, I might only be able to get a regular campus job.
3) very well known and respected, pretty conservative, and evangelical

James says, "if anyone lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault.. and it will be given to him" and my mom reminded me of this verse from Isaiah: God said "I will lead the blind by ways they have not known" (42:16). its comforting to remember that I may not know where i am headed and may even have not thought of it yet... but God knows. He knows the plans he has for me. HE KNOWS.

May he reveal to us only as we need it.

Love, Tiff

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Lions, Tigers and Decisions, Oh my.

A couple months ago I felt like: "OK, I'm going to go to graduate school, study college student affairs and eventually work in a college as an academic or career advisor, or as a chaplain or maybe in some other area of student development."

The staff here (my AD and the Dean of Students) are trying to get me to stay here in varying capacities - either in my current role or as a career advisor do my schooling on the side or over the summers.

For the last two nights I've thought, "Maybe I'm on the wrong track - should I consider instead studying something that would prepare me for church ministry to college students or women? in particular in planting churches and being overseas? Should I learn spanish?"

That's where I'm at today.

Baylor - College Student Affairs - don't know if I'll be able to interview for a GA spot because of Leah's rehearsal dinner. My flight leaves Dallas (1 hour from Waco) at 12:30... and the interviews don't even start in Waco until around 10am... bummer.

Azusa - College Student Affairs - very excited about this program and the oppty to attend here, plus could add some of the ministry stuff if I desired.

Abilene Chrisitian - Higher Ed - interesting program, very nice people.

Biola (**new**) - could do ministry in abundance!

We'll see, I guess.

to think about

“To make a man, the head and heart must be properly trained. Educate the intellect alone and you are liable to make a tiger; cultivate the moral faculties only and you make a fanatic.. The man who would survey the literal heavens, cannot dispense with the telescope however perfect may be his vision; neither can he dispense with eyes, because he holds in his hand the most perfect glass. His object can be reached only by combining the two. So must mental and moral culture be fully combined to fully reach the great end of human existence” (Free Methodist Church, 1870).

Friday, February 17, 2006

the word "whenever"

miriam webster defines the word "whenever" as:
a) conjunction: at any or every time that
b) adverb: at whatever time

The misuse of this word in place of the word, "WHEN" is killing me right now. Its rampant on the campus where I work and ugh. Everytime I hear it used incorrectly it grates on me.

(from this morning) "I like to be awake whenever I swim."
(from my softball women) "I wore this shirt whenever I went there that time."
(from various college students) "Whenver I was at dinner yesterday....."

ARGH. Can I get an "amen" from those reading this blog who agree with me that the misuse of this word is painful at best and confusing at worst? My brain (which is not as sharp as it was in its 20's...) has to do mental gymnastics in order to re-configure the sentence so that it makes sense to me.

And worse........... I'm afraid that because of our tendancy as humans to "pick up" the language of others (for example the use of the phrase: "was like" replacing "said" in the vernacular. She was like, "oh my gosh" and I was like, "yeah") that this usage will become common place. And I'm even more afraid that I will pick it up, against my better judgement and against all correct way of speech.....

All that being said, if you hear me use the word incorrectly, please tell me. Please.

And what do you think - should I correct the people that are in my influence circle that they are using it wrongly or is it not a big deal? Its rampant around the softball team and doesn't make them sound intelligent, though I know they are.

Is this just a rural issue, a dialect, or have you noticed it where you live?

I'll keep you posted. Whenever I find out more information I'll let you know.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Latest Updates

Well, here it is. I've not been too bad in 2006 when it comes to updates, I guess, but nonetheless, I can do better. I just always think, "nothing is really new"... maybe I'm wrong.

*GRE - the test went FANTASTIC. studying paid off and I am grateful to the Lord for really good scores. really good. what a blessing.

* Softball - how many of you know that I'm the recruiting coordinator for women's softball? not many maybe, but its one of my roles and i've started to go to some practices to just "be around" though its weird to just stand around and watch. Coach doesn't really ever put me to work "doing" anything. I don't think he knows I was an athlete ever, maybe he thinks I'm just a big softie? Anyway, our first games are the week of spring break (March 10-18?)

* Senior Women's Administrator - I'm also the Senior Women's Administrator for our Athletics department, which in theory means that I'm the "title IX" enforcer (its my job to make sure that women are represented appropriately in athletics at Greenville) but so far has mostly meant that I go to conference meetings and vote on general conference policy. We did that today. It was kind of a long day.

* Flickr - my friend Bethany started a "Flicker" site ( and it looked really neat so I started one and posted it to the right (under the links to other sites). If you get a chance, check it out - but then don't check again for a month. I have to upload more pics and also take some more good ones. :)

* Traveling - with the exception of a couple Grad. school interview trips, my traveling is largely done. I went with my mom to a women's retreat in Jan (it was fantastic) and then 2 weeks ago was in San Antonio to visit the Fergasons, who are dear friends from when I lived in Seattle. They are still trying to get me to live with them - and for a minute I even considered changing my graduate major to make it happen. I love being there.

* work - well, i'm still getting up early and lately its making me so tired! I'm actually skipping recruiting tonight to go home and lay in a prone position and maybe take a nap!

* ministry - the Filby's and I began a college ministry a few weeks ago through the free menthodist church. its been fun and a blessing. i'm supposed to teach this sunday but have no idea yet what i'm teaching.... yikes.

thats all for now. much love to you and yours.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Decision Making... and the will of God.

Thats a title to a book actually, but I'm not writing about the book.

(see the book to the left, courtesy of

I'm not sure what the book says, but this is what I say: "If I don't have a peace or confidence about it.... I'm not doing it." And so that leads me to today.

One of the universities I'm interested in attending is Baylor (in Waco, TX - about 1 hour south of Dallas). To attend there I essentially need to have a graduate assistant position (or a job with a school in the area) - this is not only a financial requirement for me, but a requirement for their program. The best way to get one of these assistantships is to apply and then attend a GA interview "weekend"... March 2nd and 3rd. So GREAT - I'll fly to Dallas, rent a car, drive to Waco, blah blah blah and work on my future.....

March 3rd is the day before Leah's wedding, and the rehearsal is that evening. WHICH means that I need to be back in GREENVILLE and looking nice by.... lets say 5-ish (and that may be late, I have no idea of the timing of anything right now). Which means that I need to get a flight which gets me into St. Louis before 4pm....

Southwest offered flights this morning for those days for $44 each - $104 total, basically the same amount of money that a friend and her husband recently gave to me in an unmarked envelope, and which I stated would go into the graduate school fund. The trip out on the 1st isn't a big deal - I can leave at 6:35 and get there around 8:35 and get into Waco I figure by 10 to get my beauty sleep.

*** sidenote... does anyone know anyone who lives in or near Waco and could put me up for 2 nights?****

The problem arrives in my departure. I have no idea if I need to do any interviewing on the 3rd. And frankly, I don't know when I'll know this information. But to get back to Greenville in time I must leave DALLAS at 12:30, which means I have to be there by 11:30 at the latest (assuming I was able to pre-check-in) and that means I have to leave Waco by about 10am to facilitate rental car and drive time stuff..... 10am. So................. hmmmmm.

I didn' t buy the ticket. I didn't have peace about it. Its too soon to know if I should do it, and I'm simply trusting God that he's going to provide another good deal when the time is right. I'm trusting God that the people at Baylor will understand my conflict with needing to be back in Greenville, and I'm trusting God that the rehearsal won't be until the later evening. All questionable.

So thats where I am today. Trying to trust God for my future. Knowing that having a certain peace "sounds" like hoo-hah, but its always worked for me and so I'm going with it today.

And on that note..... lift is moving too fast for me and I have to sign off now. I hope to update again soon!

Love, me.