Monday, October 31, 2005

Friends. Visits. Happy times.

Above are some pictures from the recent visit of two of my friends from Seattle: Kristen Falkenberg and Brian Burdon. I feel really special that they came to visit me. More than that, I feel pretty special that they have visited me twice. In fact, they have been the most frequent visitors I've had (though I have had a few other one-timers - and I haven't forgotten those of you who were the one-timers). Anyway, Kristen and Brian are silly and deep and funny and fun and loving and spiritual and I love them both. Enjoy.

Love, Tiffani


bleev said...

Yay! I LOVE that you get visitors too. I am coming sooon.... Okay maybe not till February but it will come quickly... I love you dear friend. *MUAH!* *BIGGGG HUG*

bleev said...

I need to remark about this photo again... It looks like Jesus is shining out of you!!!! I love it. Angels. (: