Tuesday, October 25, 2005

BABYSITTING my friend Elijah!

Well, here's how it went down: He started in the exersaucer and we played (see pics). Then he played on my lap. Then he played on the mat (see pics) - he's getting really good at rolling from his back over to his belly. Then he went back into the exersaucer and played again. Then he came to my lap and we talked and then he fell asleep (see pic).

Elijah is almost 6 months old and full of personality!

How cute is this little man? Definitely filled my baby quotient during the day. I was remembering the days when Andi was 6 mo old and I first met the Fergason's. She used to stare at Wayne because he had these heavy glasses. Hysterical. I remember sitting at the table after dinner and giving her her bottle. I remember when Jared was 6 mo old and he would play all the time if he could - laughing and cooing (just like Elijah).

1 comment:

Erin said...

What an adorable guy! So joyful and happy! You HAVE to tell me the story of the mermaid picture!
Love you!