Friday, August 12, 2005

Many items to discuss

1) A friend of mine just got married - she met her husband while serving the Lord in Peru; he's an american, who was also serving there. She sent a link with photographs and I have never been as impressed with a wedding photographer as with this guy: (if you want to see my friend, select "Recent" and then "Natalie and Bruce"). I was so captivated by their shots, that I ended up looking at ALL the recent weddings and his portfolio. He's a Christian it seems, has a wife and two small children and also teaches high school.
I was talking with the Lord about my wedding (and that I wanted my grandparents to be able to be there - so to strengthen their health as we wait for Mr. Right), just this morning, and so its funny that then I would see this photographer. I have no idea if he's expensive or not relative to others.... but I'm prepared to say that I would want to fly him out, house him here and have him take my wedding pics. That's how much I like them - candid, fun, emotive - great shots. I don't know if I'll get to have him at my wedding, but wheeeew would I like it.
Maybe by then Bethany will be taking wedding shots and she will be on this caliber (she's on her way there right now - I saw the engagement shots she took) and that will be even FUNNER. :)

2) From Gold Cord last night: oops. I left the book at home this morning. Well, trust me it was good. Maybe I'll bring it in later. :)

3) For those of you who are bored at work: click "play" at the bottom right and be entertained for hours. :)

Love, Tiff


Bridget Beth said...

Jeremy is my cousin and he is AWESOME! He is a very strong man of God, loves his family, loves the lord. :)

He took my wedding photos and I love them to death! Sometimes I think the wedding looks better in the pictures than it actually was!

My husband and I are on the main page in the very left photo (on the beach) and when you click on portpholio we're the pic in the middle.

bleev said...

i love the pictures! fabulous. (: t, i got your voice mail from thursday. very encouraging. i can't wait to talk. you are awesome. i love you!