Good morning friends - and please excuse my tardiness for not updating regularly.
So many thoughts today to think about.
Brief Sunday update before anything else!:
Yesterday at church we were blessed to hear from Jerry Coleman, Area Coordinator of Free Methodist Missions in Europe. ( He spoke on Revelation 21:1-3, about the new heaven and new earth and the wedding of Jesus to his bride, the church. WHAT A MESSAGE! As it began I thought, "oh, this is interesting." but as it ended I was in tears.
Jerry painted a picture of what a bride (me as a believer in Jesus, you also perhaps) does to prepare for a wedding. Think about it - brides (I have known many) are consumed with the groom and the upcoming wedding. Its all they talk about - heck, its all they think about. As a part of that they want to invite everyone "Come, share my special day!"
Well, for the lover of Christ (thats you, beloved) it should be the same. Jesus waits for us at the end of the aisle - and his eyes are glued to us, his love for us is so intense that our beauty is overwhelming to him. And as we walk forward, our eyes on him, we overflow in love for him, our groom, our lover. Not being consumed with the groom would be like (as you walk up the aisle) saying, "Hi Jim - how about we take the boat out and go fishing?" "Hi Dave, You're looking good today - wanna go get some coffee?" - that's the equivalent of our lackluster desire for him now.
Jerry talked about this and I was overwhelmed with two things:
1) Who am I inviting to be a part of my wedding? I was convicted that too many of my friends and family members would not be at the wedding if it occured today. And yet I want them there, to experience it all and I want to be at THEIR wedding, more importantly! :)
If you are reading this and you have not heard of the love that Jesus has for you. I want to tell you about it. Its not about being "good enough" or doing "good things" or not hurting other people - its about love. His love for you. Compelling, Consuming, Satisfying. Ask me.
2) Jesus loves me. As I pictured him standing at the front of the church and walking toward him on that day. As I pictured taking his hand and turning to face the Father, hearing him say, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in my sight to join you together in the wedding of the lamb." I cried.
Sometimes crying is from a pain inside that can only come out through tears. Other times joy and happiness overflow in that same way - unable to be expressed through laughter or smiles, the only way is through our heart via our eyes. For me this was the case. I couldn't talk about it afterward, to try to put words to it was futile.
But imagine, beloved. Every tribe, every tongue, every nation - together at the wedding, each walking up and taking Jesus' hand. United finally with the one who loved us enough to give his life.
The spirit and the bride say, "Come."