Thursday, June 23, 2005

Variety of items

Good morning! At least for those of you in the west its still morning - for the others good afternoon!

Couple bits of information:
1) I traveled to Point Loma Nazarene university on Sunday night to interview for a position in Residence Life there on Monday. After the whole experience I didn't feel like I was a fit for them. Consequently....

2) I accepted a position at Greenville College as the manager of the Fitness Center, beginning July 11th (when I return from my second Seattle trip). I am excited about this change in direction, and to use this position as a tent-making job in order to do whatever ministry the Lord is moving me into at Greenville.

3) I had a SUPER TIME with Gloria and Donna (and Anita/Brian/Steve and Tony on Sunday) over last weekend. Glo and Donna and I spend all of Friday and Saturday together and most of Sunday (until I headed to the airport) it was a great time and I was so blessed to have spent it with them.

4) I'm thrilled to still be in the Seattle area all this week attending the Jesus-Ministry conference in Tacoma, sponsored by Clover Creek and New Song. What a blessing. I am learning, growing, being challenged and encouraged. I expect great revelation this week to help me prepare for this next year at Greenville and further moving me into my calling.

I am being challenged in a few ways, and at the end of this are some scriptures that are real to me today. But my sense today is that the Lord wants me to let him pick me up and be carried - even though I'm awake and could walk, he wants me to lay my head on his shoulder like I was a 4 year old girl who just loves being carried by her dad and trusts him to take her wherever she needs to go. My hope is that today I can let him direct me into the right places - that I can close my eyes, rest and go with him.

Scriptures for today:
(Ironically last nights prayer time was largely about being single... and today's reading was 1st Corinthians 7...)
beginning in verse 8, excerpts throught the chapter: Now to the unmarried I say: it is good for them to stay unmarried as I am. Nevertheless, each one should retain the place in life that the Lord assigned to him and to which God has called him. I think that it is good for you to remain as you are. Are you unmarried? do not look for a {husband}. time is short and we should live in response to that - if you buy something, live as if it were not yours to keep, those who use the things of the world as if not engulfed in them. For this world in its present form is passing away. I would like you to be free from concern. A single woman is concerned about the Lord's affairs - her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. In my judgement, she is happier if she stays as she is... vs40.

psalm 119:92 - if your law had not been my delight, i would have perished in my affliction.

God is good, and he loves me. I'm learning that more and more - and even as its something I teach a LOT, i realize this week that i need to be taught more in my heart, too.

Read all of Psalm 119 as you have time and be encouraged that God's word is your lamp (vs 105), and that he knows ALL about you. (vs 73)

So I pray that God would open my eyes to see the wonderful things in his law (vs 18) and that I would be transformed through the revelation.

Love, Tiffani

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