Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Come Lavish in Love

I was at New Song on Sunday night - for two great services. If you are new to New Song, you recieve a CD, with 5 songs on it. It gives a "taste" of the music at the church, but also provides a variety of GREAT words and sound to entertain and feed your day.

One of the songs is "Come Lavish in Love" - the words caught me breathless today as I clean up the offices and search online for a dress

And I stand justified, through faith in God
We have peace with him through our Lord Jesus Christ
Now in grace we stand; we rejoice in hope
Praising him in every victory, every trial.

We know hope will never fail 'cause he has given us his love
through the Holy Spirit living within us

Cause I am lavished in love
forever been forgiven
caught up in your grace as it flows down from your throne

I'm eternally enamored
enveloped by yours arms
and I know your strength with hold me when I fall

Cause I'm lavishely loved.
I'm lavishly loved, lavishly loved.

then it goes into the words from amazing grace. triumphant in the truth of god's grace.

what a song. what a truth. it speaks directly to my heart. and if i were better at this whole "web" thing I would link the song here so that you could hear it. As it is, i want new song to prosper and so I'll say this:
if you go to the following link: https://www354.ssldomain.com/clovercreek/resources/product.asp?productid=61 you can get aNew Song CD for like $10 or something ridiculously inexpensive like that. Do it. Do it NOW. Its my favorite CD right now. There's a song on it called "Gracious God" that I've been singing to myself for YEARS since they started singing it at New Song.

(note: the CD referenced above doesn't have "Come Lavish in Love" on it.... apparently you can't buy that one on-line yet, but if you call the offices of Revalesio or New Song they may get a copy of "Live at the Rialto" in your hands - tell them I referred you and be sure to say, "please")

(New Song: 253.404.0177 Revalesio: 253-404-0111)

Blessings dear friends - may the grace of God be yours!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great CD!