god loves you. and he loves me too. (thought I would lead with that)
thus far I don't have a job yet. But I do have a job OFFER, and an INTERVIEW, so its true that it never rains but it pours.
I'm in Seattle, WA today (actually Kirkland for the NW-sters). Last night my flight arrived to the greeting of the POURING rain, at 12:30am..... 2:30 am my time. I awoke this morning early to a phone call from a good friend and also to a beautiful early summer day in Seattle.
blue sky
light clouds
green everywhere
the sound of traffice
the sound of birds chirping
warm sun
very light breeze
the sound of little league traveling over the air from the local park
peaceful and perfect.
I am blessed.
I am staying this weekend with two of my aunts - Glo and Donna - and we are hanging together ALL WEEKEND! I'm psyched! And then I fly to San Diego on Monday for an interview at Point Loma Nazarene Univ, for a resident director position. I fly back to Seattle that night to prepare for a conference at New Song church (see link to the left) - "Jesus Ministry" which has a lot to do with what I'm teaching and doing back in Greenville, but will be great in-depth information and training for me. Further education!
That is the plan. And I am feeling rejuvenated as I consider the options of staying in Greenville or maybe going to San Diego. May the Lord give me wisdom to follow my heart and his direction. And may he speak loudly so that I can hear him over the desires of my friends, family and the breaking surf at the ocean. :)
much love to you today. may God demonstrate his love to you intimately and with the desire of your heart today.
love, tiff