Friday, June 23, 2006

Travel Report: visits and paul simon

“I’m sitting in a railway station got a ticket for my destination, mmhhmmhhmm.” Simon and Garfunkel

Well, I’m not exactly in a railway station, but the modern equivalent I suppose. I’m in Salt Lake City, debating in my mind if I should get in line with the “A”s yet – its 1 hour and 15 minutes prior to my flight, so I think I’ll wait till I finish this update. But then I decided not to wait. I realized that I can type just as well sitting on the floor as in a seat – maybe better even for my neck since I’ll be lower.

I got in line and there is confusion now about whether or not this flight goes to St. Louis or direct to Baltimore…. For now I’m staying where I am and getting ready to update my blog when I get to work tomorrow (Saturday). Turns out the Baltimore people are not flying “direct” so much as not changing planes when we get off in St. Louis.

Simon and Garfunkel’s Greatest Hits and Paul Simon’s sTaolo albums have been my longtime travel companions, so the soundtrack of my life these last few weeks has been “America” and the “Graceland” among other favorites.

The last 10+ days have been great and exhausting and fun and sad and sweet all at the same time. Here’s a quick rundown of my days/appointments while I was here:
Tuesday night 6/14 arrive 10:30pm: Larina’s mom offers me spaghetti.
Wednesday morning 6/15: breakfast with Verla Gresset (former “official” mentor, now unofficial, but being with her is like breathing, such a blessing)
Wednesday – Friday afternoon 6/16: help Larina (along with her sister, Tina) get ready for Larina’s wedding. Lots left to do, very busy but a fun time. Got to meet Paul, Larina’s fiancée for the first time.

Friday evening: rehearsal dinner and time with Janae (friend and fellow bridesmaid) – we had a great time teasing the groomsmen, who were all Canadian and proud of it. They were really fun.

Saturday: marathon wedding day. While Larina went to get her hair done at 8am Janae and I went to L’s condo to pick up her wedding shoes – we didn’t stop after that: getting ready, photos, ceremony (90 minutes), reception (4 hours) and finally we all got back to the house and into bed by 1am….. wow. But there were so many funny memories of the day and lots of fun and laughter – also lots of tears both happy and bittersweet. See the pictures on the flickr site to the right.

Sunday: breakfast with Rana (lovely) and then lunch and hang out with Bethany and Erin (pics to right) at the Tacoma waterfront – then New Song. So refreshing to be at church that night and God was faithful to speak to me about my stress lately. AND I got to pray with Jarrad and
Casey – such a treat!

Monday: breakfast and lunch with Anne and Shawn and little Jonas – what fun to play with that little charismatic guy and to get to catch up with my old Brown friends. Tea on my way back to Seattle with Casey Mock (above) and play time with Isabelle, their 9-month old daughter. She is incredible social, I’ve never seen a baby like her. For dinner that night I had a date with an old friend – John Hickam. He treated me SO WELL – taking me to Palisade in Magnolia (WOW) and then for dessert at the Icon Grill. He let me order whatever I liked at Palisade and so I got a “Shirley Temple” (which cracks me up – but what can you do?)

Tuesday: Julie Guest and the boys (Jeremiah and Nathan) were stir crazy at their house so I walked to Peter Kirk park and met them for some play time. (pics to the right soon). Then a nice refreshing rest at my aunts’ house. Next on to Kristen F’s house for grilled salmon and steamed broccoli, what a peaceful and joyful day.

Wednesday: I had coffee with Dory, who I used to meet with when I lived in Seattle. She’s
doing great and getting married soon!! OH – and it was my BIRTHDAY on Wednesday! I walked down to the Farmer’s Market, got some kettle corn and Rainier Cherries (yum) and a beautiful bunch of flowers for my aunts and then took a birthday nap. SWEET. My aunts’ treated me to a fantastic dinner at the Olive Garden that evening and we came home and played Trivial Pursuit “the 90’s – pop culture” (or tried, really, it really hard) and then watched some funny Friend’s episodes.

Thursday was my last day in town: I got up early and went to see Jenny Brink (nee Haidle) in Kent. We had a lovely breakfast and then drove back to Renton for a walk around Coulon Park and Lake Washington. I went up to the house, relaxed and then got ready for dinner with: Brian and Dixie – who are getting married in November. They took me out to a fantastic fancy restaurant in Juanita and then we all went to Kristen’s for a game night with some of my favorite Seattle-ites!! What a good time was had by all.

Friday 6/23: my vacation ended with breakfast this morning with Aunts Donna and Gloria and it was great. Perfect ending to the trip.

Thanks to all who helped make this vacation so wonderful. Thanks for the birthday wishes and cards. Thanks for your faithful friendship. I love you all!!!

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