Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Latest Updates (moving sale edition)

Hola. I'm overwhelmed this week if I choose to let myself be. So I'm choosing to not be...

This is the last week of our fiscal year, which means that every stitch of labor that is going to be done with 2006 monies needs to be done by Friday. Yikes. So I'm working extra hours painting walls (and today stenciling a new panther for our fitness center wall), and desks and losing brain cells with exposure to toxic acrylic paint in large quantities. I'm also trying to coordinate delivery of equipment and carpet and the labor to move some weight machines (of which so far I have little help... :( )

Combine that with this next announcement: to my dismay I am having a MOVING SALE on Saturday. Double Yikes. The last garage sale I had (2 yrs ago) I combined with 2 other couples so that we could say, "multi-family".... I made $30 and I was the big seller of the day. Seriously. What a hassle. It was hours of work for $30.

This week I have a ton more to sell, and lots of it is furniture so I think I have already made $100 just from friends wanting to buy stuff. Nice, except that as of today I've put in about 7 hours on getting ready. And its only Wed. morning. Tonight the Peterson's are coming over to help me clean my grill and patio furniture (yuk) and I'm hoping to get an hour sorting kitchen stuff. Tomorrow night Sue is coming over to help me organize. Others will help on Friday. This is quite an endeavor. Thanks, Lord, for these great friends!!

I haven't heard from the company who is delivering the equipment. They know its required to be here by Friday..... so I'm a little nervous. But I'm going to try NOT to be nervous until tomorrow and then I'll call them.

On to better news: Sunday afternoon was the "Tiffani, Andy and Laura.. DAY OF FUN part deux." Andy didn't get to participate much in part one (he was taking a test) so that day Laura and I hung out and shopped and it was great and then all three of us went to Qdoba (yum) and then later played the CSI game. Sunday the three of us went to the Missouri Botanical Gardens, where we had been hoping to go for a number of weeks. They are hosting a Dale Chihuly glass exhibit (pics above) and we didn't pay to see the actual exhibit (it would have doubled admission) but there was a lot to see anyway. We had a great time!!! But we were exhausted afterward!

Thats the latest from here. I'm going to go work on painting a desk now. :)

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