Monday, June 05, 2006

Diets, Dr. Atkins and thank the Lord for low humidity

Good morning friends!

At the risk of revealing too much about myself to my friends who read this (and since there may be 5 of you... there may be 50... it is a little of a risk).. I need to make a confession! I tried on my dress for Larina's wedding last week and it really didn't fit.


Its the same size as the dress for Leah's wedding, but I think it's a "smaller" fit, and its possible I have gained some weight since then, but I didn't think so. The thing about gaining weight is that it is so subtle. The only way you really notice if people have gained or lost weight is if you haven't seen them in a while, I think - and I look at myself every day. So I know I'm a little "soft" around the edges, but I didn't think I had gotten to the point where I couldn't fit this dress. Granted - it wasn't like I was working out at all during softball season. I was just trying to survive, so even though I was trying to eat healthy those times we ate out, and even though I was trying to "think thin" :), it wasn't so successful.

Anyway, I was at the lady who is doing the alterations and the dress really didn't fit so I figured I'd go with three options - let out the sides (of the dress), atkins diet (no carbs for two weeks) and increased exercise.

More to come tomorrow....... I just finished swimming and I'm exhausted. :)

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