Monday, November 28, 2005

wedding shopping, and other shopping.

I did a lot of shopping this weekend (to burn some of my "lot of eating" calories, I guess).

Wednesday I did some shopping on-line. I can't say what I bought because some people read this blog who may then have their surprise ruined, but I did discover a new website: Its a part of crate and barrel and has some really neat stuff.

Friday I got up early (why do I do this to myself) and headed to Fairview. There was no chance I was going to make it to the really early places - I would have had to LEAVE home at 4am to make it to my favorite (JCPenney) by 5am for the special deals, and I didn't do a super good job of "understanding" the fliers. I went to K-mart to get some DVD's for my brother that were regularly $10-15 for $4-4.50 each and to get some body balls for work. Turned out (after waiting in line) the videos weren't on sale until.... SATURDAY. So I said, "No thanks then, paid for my body balls and got the heck out of there." Next stop Target. Couple items on the agenda: videos for $5.88 and $8.88 (regular $15-20) and some cute stocking stuffers. What was I thinking?? By now it was 11:30 and Target was (to say it nicely) out of stock of every good video - but thankfully they had the Harry Potter videos still (and the Lord of the Rings) and so I got Heather's present and a little treat for me (LOTR) and got out of there almost as quickly as the others (oh, and a veggie tale adventure for some of my young favorite kids living in CA and TX).

At each stop I cut out one of the next stops. I was even going to cut out Wal-Mart, but there was no copy of a certain DVD that I am getting my dad at Target, so Wal-Mart was necessary. It wasn't actually too bad there - busy and fun but not chaos (except I had apparently just missed an altercation between a customer and a salesperson and the customer called the police.... seriously, they were standing on an aisle, talking when I was there!). I got a neat-o video for my bro, and looked for my dad's video - but they only had it in full screen - argh!!

After that I was beat. I went home. Heather and I put up our new artificial christmas tree and I decorated it while we watched Pride and Predjudice (the long, A & E version) - it was great.

Saturday Leah and I headed out early to look at wedding dresses (and ultimately both wedding and bridesmaid dresses were picked out. We had a great time looking and shopping and here are a couple pictures. (above) I can't put up the REAL dress, in case Chris stumbles upon it, but I thought this was funny. I made up these pics and then sent them to him so that he could see Leah in her dress..... :) But the bridesmaid dress is real.

Thats it for now. Lots of movies this weekend, not many calories burned. I'm going to have to get to it so that I can look nice at the wedding. At this rate, any small increase in activity will help. I've taken to using the body ball as a "fun hop" (see other pic above) figuring that any calories burned are good calories burned.

on that note.... god bless you today!
Love, Tiff

1 comment:

Erin said...

Yeah, a Pride and Prejudice. I think I am going to see the new one again this week since my old roommate Michelle is back in town. She's the one who got me hooked in the first place!