Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Dirty Little Secrets

Well, there is a song out now called, "Dirty Little Secret" by the All-American Rejects. The video (which I see occasionally because of my roommate's affection for "MTV Hits" - channel 232 on Greene County Digital Cable) shows a number of people holding post card on which are written secrets - their "dirty little secret" that they haven't been able to tell anyone. Each post card is homemade and includes pictures. Some of them are funny, some are gross and some are heartbreaking. In most cases their face is covered - by a bag, mask, or by the card itself.

For example:
"I haven't spoken to my dad in 10 years..."
"When I eat I feel like a failure"
"I pee in the sink."
"I'm only dating her to get to her sister."
"I leave poetry in library books."

Just to highlight a few. You can watch the video at Yahoo! Music (

Anyway, I heard on the Today show today that there is a book out of these postcards and as I looked for it online to see what it was about, I noted that there was also a blog which posts people's secrets - thats the basis for the book.

People send in their secret on anonymous homemade postcards and each Sunday the postcards are posted to . I've made it a link on the right side of this page as well. Its fascinating, and sad and hard to read - and hard to think what I could or would put on a postcard.

And it makes me wonder why its easier to send that card anonymously than to tell your friends. And it makes me wonder if the burden is relieved by that action, or are they still ashamed, afraid, hurt, bitter, etc?

Thanks for considering with me.

1 comment:

bleev said...

T, Thanks so much for sharing this and bringing it into the light. It's funny but this mindset is more relavent than I even allow myself to realize. Even in my own heart, I realize (again) how "afraid" I sometimes am to be vulnerable. To be honest with my struggles. Last night, with my roommates, I felt a familiar tug in my heart of fear when contemplating on being honest with them. I am afraid of being reject AND I know the truth! How does that work? Oh Jesus, transform my mind and remove my expectation of rejection. For unless I am changed, how will I ever shine hope to these people.