Monday, November 21, 2005

Recent Events (II)

Well, the visits and travels are over for a short time, and I'm back to "regular life" - well, sort of. Its Thanksgiving week, so I only have to work 3 days (!) but one of them starts at 5am - yikes.

Recently Brian and Kristen came to visit - LOVELY fun.

Afterward I went to Mississippi - GREAT trip.

THEN, Scotty Kessler came to visit for a week.

This weekend we went bowling at the St. Louis Mills mall in St. Louis. The bowling alley there is like nothing I've ever seen. You must click here and check it out. WOW. Leather couches, modern furniture, weird artwork and low lighting.... and the BEST music soundtrack covering it all - we're talking: Salt n Pepa, Beastie Boys, oldies, 80's, early 90's... so fun. When you click that link, you'll have to navigate some (click the bowling pin on the left, then click the dot on st. louis, then click images at the top) but I think you'll get the idea. Its like "bowling chic"....

The group was big (10 total) but that was the SMALLER group - not all could attend. We bowled 2 games of ladies vs. men and the men won both times.... but maybe it was better that way. Attending were: Liz and Eric Hehman, Danika and Ryan Giffen, Jenn Copp., Jeff Wardlaw, John Donnell, Kelcey Newton, B.J. Schneck and me. Fun group. After strikes we had to do a dance or strike a pose. By the bedlam that was occuring at our lane, you probably would not have assumed that ours was the only sober group!... in fact at one point Danika and I were dancing and fell down - FELL DOWN ON THE GROUND. hysterical. We both almost peed our pants (sorry).

A good friend of mine got engaged on Thursday and today I'm going with her and another friend of ours to look at bridal dresses (!!fun!!). Then tonight.... AMAZING RACE PART-EY at my hiz-ouse!!!! Check out the latest on the "family edition" - its been pretty fun (and funny) but for my money I'm looking forward to when its back to two person teams.

Thanksgiving is coming up on Thursday of this week and I'm hosting the party at my house - the Petersons, Penners, Peterson parents and younger sibs and maybe Heather will be in attendance. We're doing potluck and I'm making a second turkey just for fun (and because we got it free).

Thats all for now - I have to go to bible study in 10 minutes.

love, Tiff

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