Thursday, September 15, 2005

Blogger Spam

I'm sad because SPAM has found a place on the Blog's of my friends. And recently.... on mine.

For those of you who are bloggers, I thought you would like to know that you can avoid this unwanted spam that goes into your blog as a "comment" and then also gets emailed to you (if you have your comments email to you that is).

Go to "Settings" at the top of your page on the daskboard and select "Comments" - then go down about 1/3 of the page and you'll see something like, "Show word verification...." and it has a "yes" and "no" select button.

Select "yes" and then update.

Your commenters now have to enter a word verification (like when you order tickets from ticketmaster, etc) before they can comment - to prove they are a real person and not a blanket spammer.

Hope this helps you!
Love, Tiffani

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