Tuesday, September 20, 2005

9/22 update (and don't even mention the flies)

This is just a little bit of what's been going on lately. I never seem to quite catch up with myself enough to force myself to sit down and pen a big update for the blog. But now that I'm in control of my time (as you will see below) maybe that will make the cut one afternoon. In the meantime, here is an update - God bless you!
Tiffani (see p.s. at the bottom, even if you've read the middle)

The Lord has been so active on the campus and I’m grateful for his attention to us. Last week my bible study group read through Romans 2. Following Romans 1 (re: the immoral man) Romans 2 was super convicting (re: the moral man and the religious man). The group really “got” the teaching that nothing we can do or say can bring us righteousness, nor into a saving relationship with God. We ended the study feeling kind of “icky” – which I think is what Paul wants the reader to feel, since at that point he hadn’t gotten to the righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ. And even knowing that we would soon encounter Romans 3:23-24 did not lessen the discomfort.

So on that note, as were many of the women in the group, I was convicted of a few issues; primarily unforgiveness, bitterness and anger toward a few people and situations, as well as some general lack of discipline (to put it lightly). What sad days were Tuesday and Wednesday as I struggled with this conviction. Thankfully Thursday came and I realized that I needed to pray specifically about unforgiveness (which meant praying through rejection and anger as well) and as I spoke with one of my friends and mentors in the morning and she called me onto the carpet for my lack of discipline. At that point I was truly ready with Paul to say, “What a wretched person I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?” and then to proclaim with him, “Thanks be to God – through Jesus Christ our Lord.” as I encountered freedom through action and prayer.

All that being said, I am now in better control of my time (vs. not making good choices and so running out of time to do the necessary things) and am also in renewed spirits and standing with God. (The key here, I think, is that I’m not in renewed standing because of my repentance, but because of his forgiveness through Jesus!) I am making better choices with my time – I have had a devotional time almost every morning, am getting up close to the right time and making good bedtime choices. I’m also organizing my afternoon time (which I have a lot of to use) better than I had been. Today I begin to incorporate a regular workout back into my schedule and not allow myself to duck out – since I have it on my calendar and can see that I have plenty of time to do it. My fault has been in many ways that I was satisfying my flesh (hanging out with people, watching TV, etc) rather than doing what I need to do to be a balanced follower of God (reading the word, sleeping, exercising, etc).

Here are things that I WANT to like because they are elements of God's creation, but which I struggle to enjoy: Flies and Mosquitos. For a few reasons. Flies are ALL OVER the fitness center (less now, but for two weeks we were swatting 15-30 a day...). The ones that are still alive here now are fat and slow. They practically swim in front of my face making loud buzzing noises as I try to work. I don't want to kill them, but at the same time, argh - they carry disease and are annoying. And so I do. Mosquitos.... the bane of my existence, and I'm not even exaggerating. They are killers in the sense that if I go outside without bug spray (again, a little less this week, but still a problem).... they find me. And they show no mercy. The other day I was bitten IN MY HOUSE - MY HOUSE I say, while I was eating dinner. The problem here is that I don't notice them when they are biting, and I don't see them when I'm outside so I don't even stand a chance. If I believed in Karma I would believe that the m-bites (which usually welt into a good 1/2 inch circle with radiating redness) are payback for the fly murders.

Thankfully I don't. :)

Love, TR

1 comment:

Erin said...

Tiffani, you are hilarious. Payback for "flie murder." Would that be like Fliocide? Hee hee! Love you!