Monday, September 26, 2005

Been Thinking about..... Access

I have gotten out of the habit of blogging regularly, out of the habit of updating y'all on my life, and instead posting occasional one-liners. I will try to do better. Today I will tell you that Life in Greenville is alright. I spent the weekend with a LOT of women. This is quite a change, considering my former vocation which put me in the position of spending a lot of time with men!

On Friday night I helped put together a Softball recruiting and community event. It was a success and we had 6 recruits attend. On Saturday I went to Chicago with Heather and 2 Softball players to watch the football game . On Sunday I hung out with one of my Tuesday Morning girls and we had lunch at Sue's house and then I had a small group for church.

We are reading the Purpose Driven Life this month. I know, my friends back in the city are saying, "you're reading that NOW?" because back home they all read it 3 years ago... well, the pace is different out here and though late, I do think its timely for the church I'm attending.

I've been selected along with 14 other adults and 45 students to participate in a Hurricane Katrina relief trip November 2-6 of this year. I'm looking forward to going down and doing whatever we can to provide assistance in the form of manpower and prayer. I'm also looking forward to the spiritual growth and impact opportunities with the students, and hoping to have a teaching experience for myself as well.

And I've been asked to be the main speaker at an upcoming women's retreat (E-cafe, October 14th-15th) Last spring I gave a workshop on giving up old sin habits and "cleaning out" the mold. This fall I will be speaking 2-3 times (I think) on the topic of "Intimate Interactions with Jesus". I'm looking forward to diving deeper with these women into the love that Jesus has for us - specifically through the portraits of the interactions of the resurrected Jesus with Mary, Thomas and Peter.

Well there are a lot of other things I could tell you right now, but I have to get to McD's so that I can get to Jo's so that I can meet with a gal on-time. :)
With Lots of Love and plenty of Jesus!

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