Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Peace Like a River (and other BSF revelations)

First, let me say that I'm grateful for Rana. (some of you know her) She speaks truth to me. Last night she in particular spoke truth and it was the beginning of the revelations I had at BSF last night. Grateful for that woman!

Second, BSF continues to be incredible for me. I missed last year a ton. Not that I didn't grow last year (!) but I am glad at how the lessons continue to meet me where I'm at every week.

Here are my two revelations:
1) The question was "How do you squander your time in the wilderness of mediocrity by not believing what God has promised because of your unbelief?"
To me (once I figured out the question) I realized that if I truly (truly) believed God's promises I could "stop". Stop working, stop striving, stop trying to make things work the way I think they should work. That I live in the "wilderness of mediocrity" - instead of being GREAT - because I don't believe.
2) Follow that up with the Sabbath-rest for the people of God. Which made me think. God promises a spiritual rest (salvation), a physical rest (heavenly) - but ALSO we can have God's REST even now. As we believe (see #1), and we ACT in belief, we have REST for our soul.

Peace like a river.

Even in the midst of the twists, turns, falls, a river continues on its way... because it knows it's destination - and its destination doesn't change. Despite rapids, droughts, pouring into lakes, draining out... it continues steadfastly.

I realized that I don't always have peace like a river. Nor do I always believe I can have it. But I can, and Lord willing... I will "work" to keep it.

Love, Tiffani

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Late on a Saturday Night

Quick Tiffani Update:

Spiritually - feeling OK. had regular bible study time this week, regular prayer, good talks about lots of topics.
Physically - the season has caught up with me. I feel (whisper) fat. But I worked out three times this week, hope to do at least as much next week. And I feel super rested today after sleeping over nine hours last night. but now i'm up at 12:30... so that might not be good for tomorrow.
Emotionally - pretty fair. probably a 6.75 on a 10, which is slightly low, but not bad.
Financially - much better now that my checkbook is up to date after three months... yikes. it only took 2.5 hours, with maybe 30 minutes more tomorrow for current stuff. but that's a load off my mind.
Technologically - out of control, in a good way. been taking my work computer home with me to do some transcription work on the side for the AD, today figured out how to hook up my phone line so I could log on to the internet from my living room (instead of on my main computer in my bed room).
Weird Fact: and frankly.. i don't know how this can be. but i'm watching NBC and they are showing CSI (old one) which is normally on CBS. Funny.

Last night I recieved the quarterly "World Vision" magazine. I confess that often I don't have a minute to devote to it, but last night I did and I read it almost cover to cover before going to bed. I've sponsored a WV child (Stephen Pole, from Uganda) for a number of years now and I enjoyed reading last night about the various World Vision ministries and workers.

I was inspired by the cover story on the beatitudes and the profiles of WV workers for each beatitude. And excited to learn that I could communicate with Stephen now via email (the letters you send on email are transcribed into the appropriate language and given to the child)!!

Here follows some "excerpts" from the magazine written by Rev. Tim Dearborn, PhD (world vision; pp 12-23, world vision press):

* for more information on world vision and child sponsorship, check out www.worldvision.org.

Blessed are the Poor in Spirit:
Our experience of life in Christ begins as we recognize our need. We cannot turn to our material successes, our personal accomplishments, or our spiritual piety. The Gospel proclaims that this recognition can lead us through the doorway to blessedness, where joy and suffering can exist simultaneously.

Blessed are the Meek:
Meekness is one of the most misunderstood moral qualities. In our society, a meek person is a spineless weakling. Actually, Jesus uses a word that expresses the relinquishment of all illusion and control. Those who know their utter dependance on God, and are trained to trust God in all things, know that they have nothing to lose.

Blessed are those who Hunger:
Life in the kingdom is described as a banquet, a perpetual feast to which all are welcome but to which only those who know their hunger come. The Gospel promises that God feeds those who hunger for righteousness - the holiness and justice that will cure the suffering of our world.

Blessed are the Pure in Heart:
Only when we live with nothing to hide can we experience blessedness. We need no longer linger in the darkness, for we have come completely into the light. We are set free to stand joyously before God when we know that in mercy, he has cleansed our shameful sin with the goodness of Christ.
"We are set free to stand joyously before God when we know that in mercy, he has cleansed our shameful sin with the goodness of Christ."

"he has cleansed our shameful sin with the goodness of Christ"

what blessed words. the beatitudes show us that we must first recognize our need (become poor in spirit) and that through the process of Christ cleansing our shameful sin we are transformed into the "pure in heart" - who rejoice so joyfully in our cleansing that we overflow into gratitude and praise of Christ and in doing so bring others along for the journey.

Christ has cleansed my shameful sin.

Do you have shameful secrets? embarassing truths? sin? I can relate. I did, and sometimes do still.

If you do, please allow me to introduce you to Jesus - the only one who can truly make you clean and whole, and who is only waiting for you to recognize your need to BE clean and whole to do it.

I'm off to sleep now. I've already seen the CSI. Its sad, but satisfying. I spent a GREAT day today, being productive at "work life" and also enjoying time with Leah, and then Heather and her mom - and had a great talk with MY mom on the phone today, to boot. Satisfaction.

But nothing compared to the satisfaction in my soul.

Love, Tiffani

Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Briefly... because I'm leaving work in 7 minutes to go work out at home with Heather, and then I think we're planning to eat "thanksgiving dinner" in the DC.

Additionally... the AMAZING RACE starts tonight. SOOOO excited. :) Its shallow, maybe, to be excited about a TV show. But its my favorite.

Last Wednesday night I was blessed to be able to speak at an event called "Do You Think I'm Beautiful?" I was first of all moved to tears by Joy Wrigglesworth's talk on wanting to be loved in all of our "naturalness" (my word) - without makeup, fancy clothes and hair, as we are on the inside without dressing up the outside. And I was challenged by Sarah Luke, who spoke after me about "little-g" gods in our lives - the things that we hold on to that stop us from following God (in this case, our self-image, etc).

I spoke on words. How they bless and curse. The bible says the "power of death and life are in the tongue." How they've blessed me in my life, and how they've cursed me.

So many of us are torn to shreds by one word from someone else, that happens to hit the exact wrong place in our heart.

More about that tomorrow.

Gotta go do Tae-Bo.

:) Love, Tiffani

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Last One

Quickly I write on the day of the last game of our 2004 season to say:

I love this team.

I love these men and who they are becoming.

I am so proud to be associated with them.

There are moments from this year - sad, touching and funny that I will take with me whether I remain at this place for 15 years or 5 months.

This team is unique and special and I can't understand why God would allow me to be a part of it.

May the Lord give us grace today as we face Wash. U.


Wednesday, November 10, 2004


Hebrews 10:35-36
So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.

Because scripture is living and active, when you read it - - even if you've read a chapter or book multiple times, one verse or a series of them will JUMP out at you and make a difference for the day.

Thats why I like to have devotional time in the AM if possible - because then I have a verse that's with me all day.

There is a lot going on right now here in humble Greenville. This verse spoke to me in a surprising way. There is so much I am persevering through right now, and trying to live victoriously through it, and have confidence through it. I am encouraged (literally - made more courageous, infused with courage) to continue in my fight for the Lord's will to be done here and in my life.

There are many things I wish would happen, but I can see that I don't know the Lord's will yet, and I simply need to be CONFIDENT that his will WILL come to pass, and I can trust him. He will reward me (eternally, and maybe even on earth in my eyes) with gifts that are abundant.

And in the meantime he is making me a "SUPER-Conquerer" and I am grateful for the training.

Love today, Tiffani

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Visitors from Another Place

Nope, not aliens...
My friends Brian Burdon and Kristen Falkenberg!

Brian and Kristen came to visit this weekend as part of my "Come to Historic Greenville" campaign. (for more information email me!)

We had a GREAT time. Kristen drove in from K.C. on Friday night and we got some good "talking time" before we went to sleep. She picked up Brian in the AM from the airport, while I began working (game day, you know). They both helped me as we prepared for "Senior Day" (it was our last home game this year) AND "Jr. Comet Football Day" - which somehow all ended up occuring on the same day...

The game and day were a little more crazy than normal, but both B and K seemed to enjoy the hulabaloo of the day.

The game was REALLY fun (though I filmed the 2nd 1/2, so I didn't get to experience it with my pals) - and ended in a VICTORY for the Panthers (currently 3-5 on the season).

After the game we enjoyed Mario's Pizza at our house with some friends. What a treat. Church on Sunday and lunch at Farmer's (lots of good car time with my friends this weekend). A walk around Historic Greenville, and then BOBBY'S and a movie ("Ray") in Edwardsville.

side note: for those of you who visit... there is a sign advertising "Historic Greenville" at the edge of town... and it happens to be RIGHT in front of Chang's Chinese Restaurant and Buffet. Its important to note that Chang's does not necessarily comprise the entirety of historic Greenville... nor is it maybe even included in the area labeled "Historic Greenville".

I was exhausted at work on Monday morning, but not so exhausted that I didn't enjoy lunch with B and K at Chang's (see above), also accompanied by Dave and Kyle. We forgot our camera so there is no picture, sadly, of the "historic" event... :)

Kristen left shortly after and I took Brian to the airport on our way to BSF. I was sad to see them go, but SOOOO glad that they came to visit. I was COMPLETELY and TOTALLY blessed by their visit.

Last night at BSF we were studying the conclusion of Paul's first missionary journey (Acts 14). And the lesson/lecture/notes discussed how different Derbe was from the other towns that the apostles/disciples had visited. After being persecuted all across Cyprus and Turkey, they came to Derbe where they had rest from persectution.

The "principle" was that "As we work for Christ, He will give us rest and refreshing when we need it"

That principle was true in my life this weekend. Circumstances had come together to make me feel tired, overwhelmed, unsure of my future and more. And I was fighting as best as I knew how, within that context, and trying to allow the joy of the Lord to be my strength.
But the Lord knew better and gave me rest when I needed it.

Even though the visit took a lot out of me (sleep-wise), I feel emotionally refreshed and I'm grateful that "Tall Brian" and Kristen were a part of the working of the Lord to get me there.

I'll have pics up soon from their visit. :)

Love (off to the last v-ball game of the season), Tiff