Monday, April 17, 2006

long time, issues, weather, etc

Hi friends!
Please accept my apologies for the delay in writing. I have tried to update a few times in the last two weeks, but my computer kept hanging up at the entry screen and so I couldn't even begin to type an entry. AND, I'm in the middle of a few big projects so I'm trying to work more and surf less.

Speaking of that... I'm having some trouble getting the right equipment for my pool here at work. I need Calcium Hypochlorite tablets, but can only find tri-blah-blah-chlorine tablets. :) Thankfully, I just found the tabs I need.... I have to go into the city. yuk. They just started construction on the highway I need to take, so I'm thinking about going around even though it will add 20 minutes. Not sure what to do.

I'm also trying to figure out what I'm going to do about moving. I'm praying for the Lord to make it very clear how I can find/earn some extra money. Some friends of mine have offered to help if needed by giving me a long term loan of their car if I can get down to Texas (in the event mine is not working well enough). I'm hoping for some additional guidance. Its nice to know the Lord who has always provided for me in the past is directing this move, too, and so I can trust him for my future.

Easter was AMAZING. I'm hoping to write about the Tenebrae service I attended on Good Friday and yesterday's sunrise service. However, now that I'm leaving in 30 minutes, I have to be back to work for a little bit.

May your day be filled with blessings of all sizes.

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