Thursday, April 20, 2006

just a quickie

I'm about to head out and won't be back on email until maybe Sat or Sun at the earliest, and I have just a few minutes to write.

Tonight we are travelling to Kankakee, IL to the home of Olivet Nazarene to compete in a tourney tomorrow and (hopefully) Saturday. I'm going to give a devotional on self. vs. others and am now in a whirlwind in my mind of how to talk about this issue in a way that the Lord would break proud hearts and encourage humble spirits.

I think I may use Jesus' teaching on the first and second greatest commandments. And what it means to us as we follow him..... oh I pray for the Lord's specific wisdom!

This week has been crazed, lots of late nights and hard to get up mornings, but as I'm alive so far, I'm feeling good. Tomorrow and Saturday I don't have to get up before 7am I think, so thats VERY nice (almost 3 hours extra sleep maybe!)

I'm also working over the next couple days on our teaching for this Sunday night - I think I'm going to speak about personal brokenness and how God responds to us.

Blessings to you as you face your weekend!

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