Friday, February 04, 2005

I'm back (at least for a few minutes)

Little did I know when I wrote last time that I was about to be down and OUT for three work days and then recovering for a week.

I had a great (GREAT!) time in Texas over a long weekend (1/21-24). I got there on Thursday night and was greeted by the entire Fergason family - kids and all. The van was a cacophany of noises - "Tiff, I got an electric train for Christmas!", "Tiff, I got a new DVD", "Tiff, I'm hungry" - it was fantastic. I couldn't keep up with all the comments and I loved every minute of it.

We eventually arrived at the new Fergason mansion (I just like to call it that) and Andilyn showed me the entire place (she's 4 and did a super job on the tour). The next morning I awoke to amazing weather. We ran around outside (me wearing a t-shirt, shorts and flip-flops) playing tag for about an hour and enjoyed the warm weather. Friday was John and Karen's 10th anniversary and so after I got over my hysterical-ness (I can't believe I forgot it was their anniversary and that I came to visit!!).... Nick and Dorothy (Karen's folks) came over to babysit the kiddos and John, Karen and I went out for Tex-Mex on the San Antonio Riverfront. It was really good food, conversation and I was blessed to be a part of their anniversary! Saturday the girls (Karen, Andi and I) went shopping together while the boys went to the hardware store and the RC car track. Sunday I experienced their church, which I enjoyed, and we had a fun Sunday afternoon relaxing. I flew back on Monday after a nice time with Karen - eating breakfast at Mama's Cafe and visiting Target. Got back in St. Louis JUST IN TIME for BSF Monday night.

I'm blessed to have had a time to rest during this crazy time of transition here in the office. And I was thankful that Andi didn't get sick until the last day of my visit, and that I didn't come down with it until I got back and settled here.

The office has been kind of crazy as we try to keep up with recruiting and transition the coaches into doing what I've been doing for the last two years. I'm still working on all my normal stuff, but eventually we are actually going to assign my work to the coaches - so in the meantime I'm trying to get it all organized for easy transition and have learned that I'm still not as organized as I think I am!!

Finally, I'm re-reading Pride and Prejudice. There is SO much in that book that makes me laugh, and think. If you haven't read it.... do.

I have so much to tell you, so much going on. But I'm back in the swing of life now and I'll be writing more soon.

Until then - may the Lord bless you richly!

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