Friday, January 06, 2006


If you haven't heard of this conference....
if you are a regular reader of my blog/friend of mine/acquaintance....


The teaching that they are doing at this conference in Tacoma, WA is teaching that has transformed my life and been one of the top two greatest spiritual influences in my life. I first learned about Jesus Ministry from one of my mentors (and my former boss), Scotty Kessler. He taught the Fergason's, Jared and then me about the spiritual realm, spiritual warfare and how to fight with the full armor of God. Through these experiences the Holy Spirit enabled me to be "clear" in my head - where the bible was interesting but not very understandable before "freedom" (as I would call it), it was AMAZING afterward. I was in BSF at the time, and my comprehension of bible truths, apprehension of theology and memory of verses BEGAN really after learning how to pray and seek God.

My life has been transformed primarily by God through three teaching vehicles - the first was Campus Crusade for Christ in college, where I met God and realized that I was without Him and I didn't want to be; Bible Study Fellowship which taught me almost all of my bible knowledge up until 2003 and "Restoration Ministry" (or Jesus Ministry) which made it all glue together. I am the woman I am today because of these things and how the Lord has used them.

SO all that to say, if you can take a week in August, and if you can get to Tacoma WA (I know a lot of people and can work on housing for you if you need help, and if you live in Seattle, you could commute to it daily) - YOU NEED TO ATTEND THIS CONFERENCE.

Here's the link:

Its $175 for those who register before July 1st, and that includes conference materials and 5 days of teaching. It does not include meals, but you can bring a snack and sack dinner if you like, but its also fun to use those dinners to make new acquaintances. Last summer the classes began in the afternoon (1pm) and ended around 9 or 10pm.

One of the best parts (and this relates to dinner) was the opportunity to meet people from all over the US and the rest of the world as well. I met women who I hope to see again at this year's conference and renew our friendship. You really get to experience the global body of Christ.

In conclusion... what can you expect from this conference?
Vibrant worship (in song, prayer and teaching)
Honest fellowship
Clear teaching
The presence of God

May God bless you as you consider your attendance at this event.

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