Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Recent Events

Well, so much in a week. I continue to forget to update regularly, but then again, I see that I posted pics last week, so I feel like once a week may be good enough (trying to have some grace with myself).

In the last two weeks I've gone for a long girl's weekend with my mom in Chicago, and spent a less long weekend with girls from the college at a retreat.

BOTH events were outstanding. I had a G-R-E-A-T time with my mom, and am itching to get working on a few scrapbook pages for our "road trip" scrapbook. After we drove from Seattle to Greenville in 2003 I made her a book of our trip, and we've decided to add pages from our annual girl's weekends (of which this was the first) to the book - rather than get a new book! Chicago was SUPER fun - what a city! So much to do and see. We went to Eli's Cheesecake world (the actual bakery by O'Hare airport), the Mag. Mile (as we call it now) and what seemed like miles of other places. The weekend was capped at the end with the Gospel Brunch at the House of Blues - WOW. The group that performed was named "somebody and Chosen" (can't remember their name now, darn it!) and they were fantastic. What a neat time. (plus - chickory in coffee = good)

Last weekend was also VERY fun - less relaxing mentally, but more relaxing physically, so overall it was great. The location was incredible (i'll put a couple pics up) and the weather was perfect - all this despite the anxiety over ticks (they were everywhere - but thankfully I didn't bring any back with me... that i know of). I presented a workshop called, "Moldy Cheese" which talked about ridding our lives of the "yukky" things that keep us bound in shame and embarassment. I was excited to be asked to speak, but not as excited as I was simply to attend!

I got to spend a lot of time with the ladies who are in my weekly bible study, as well as some others who I don't get to see so much. And I was as blessed as anyone there by the whole experience.

This weekend I am headed out to "Durley Camp" in Greenville, where I will participate in "Damascus Road" - an anti-racism training that I hope will be a great experience of revelation and growth. I'm not afraid to face any subtle (or overt) prejudices that I might have and at the same time, I am wondering what I will take away, how I will be changed.

Many birthdays in my life this week - Larina turned 29 on Monday, and my Aunt Donna's b-day is on Friday (I can't remember the age - for which she is probably glad - smile), and Erin O'Hagan takes the plunge into her 30's next Thursday.

Thankfully God is good and all those ladies are in good health and mostly good spirits regarding their age. :)

Here are some prayer requests:
1) our office is heading up a "40 days of prayer" effort on campus, nightly from 10:15-11:15, tonight is night 17. Please pray for people's hearts to be moved to pray, and for people's lives to be changed by prayer.
2) I have been exhausted, my house is in disarray, and so is my "organized" life. Please pray that I could get back on track in the next days, and more particularly next week - with physical discipline (working out, balancing checkbook, bills) and spiritual discipline (more reading and prayer).
3) My job situation is still undetermined (from my perspective, though the Lord knows). Please pray that interviews would be scheduled soon for the resident director job on campus and that I would know if its an option for me.

THANKS for your prayers and love!
Love, Tiff

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