Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The Soundtrack for my Life

My aunts (gloria and donna) and I went with my dad to his chorale rehearsal tonight. He sings in two choral groups - the Arizona Choral Union and the Phoenix Symphony Chorus. Tonight was the PCC. It was GREAT. I love hearing him sing, and I love music.

The song that I heard for the first time tonight was Italian and called something like "Nostrem Dorma" (something 'sleep') - thats not the "right" title but its like that. Anyway, it was beautiful and I wished I could carry it around on a little I-pod with speakers and play it in the more dramatic moments of my life.

That being said, its midnight, I checked into my fligh (which is why i'm up!) and was the 1st one to do so - HURRAH! But my aunts are sleeping in the other room and I need to do the same so that they aren't being kept awake by my typing.

So blessings to all. Maybe tomorrow I'll get the right title and also post another quote from "Hind's Feet" - its phenomenal. Read it.

I am blessed tonight among the people, to know and love God and to be known and loved. To have family whom I love, and who love me. And to have sweet music in my head.

Love you friends and family as well - :)

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