Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The Soundtrack for my Life

My aunts (gloria and donna) and I went with my dad to his chorale rehearsal tonight. He sings in two choral groups - the Arizona Choral Union and the Phoenix Symphony Chorus. Tonight was the PCC. It was GREAT. I love hearing him sing, and I love music.

The song that I heard for the first time tonight was Italian and called something like "Nostrem Dorma" (something 'sleep') - thats not the "right" title but its like that. Anyway, it was beautiful and I wished I could carry it around on a little I-pod with speakers and play it in the more dramatic moments of my life.

That being said, its midnight, I checked into my fligh (which is why i'm up!) and was the 1st one to do so - HURRAH! But my aunts are sleeping in the other room and I need to do the same so that they aren't being kept awake by my typing.

So blessings to all. Maybe tomorrow I'll get the right title and also post another quote from "Hind's Feet" - its phenomenal. Read it.

I am blessed tonight among the people, to know and love God and to be known and loved. To have family whom I love, and who love me. And to have sweet music in my head.

Love you friends and family as well - :)

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Being at home, and Hinds' Feet

Well, Hello!

Been a long time (i can't count that last blog, since its really just b-days, and probably incomplete to boot!).

I'm at my parent's home in Phoenix for about a week, to attend the wedding of a college friend, Liz. ** side note - i thought, i wonder if i can find a pic to post of Liz, so i googled her - amazing stuff people - and found a pic and bio at this website: www.standrewspres.com/staff/liz_lantz.htm** I'm REALLY excited for this wedding. Liz is a friend who I often email with, but have not seen (except this pic right now) in 9 years. I found out she was a Christian, and that she was also in BSF (years ago now) and our friendship was rekindled. She since left BSF to work as an alumni advisor to ADPi at U of A. I cherish her friendship and her helpful comments as I was pursuing a position nationally with the sorority (as a house director - a position which i have applied for, but for which there are not yet any openings).

ANYWAY. The wedding is tomorrow (saturday) at 4pm in Tucson, so I am taking a 2 hour drive down south, and then will stay overnight in a hotel down there and meet up with my folks and two of my beautiful aunts for a spring training b-ball game in the afternoon (sunday). What a treat!

I took a bump in St. Louis, so got a voucher, but lost out on sleep and arrived in Phx on Thurs am, 10-ish hours later than originally planned, but it worked out super. Thurs (yesterday) was long and I was tired, but enjoyed seeing my family so much. The house looks incredible - inside and out and the ORANGE BLOSSOMS (my favorite smell) are incredible. The air is cloying and sweet and it makes me want to breathe in constantly and never exhale. Seriously, if you haven't smelled their fragrance, get thee to Arizona, Florida or California IMMEDIATELY before they fall.

The hardest part of the day was experiencing first-hand the loss of our family dog, Buddy. Buddy was a beagle, and was with us almost 13 years. He was put to sleep last Friday after a diagnosis of terminal cancer. What I notice most is what I don't notice. Let me 'splain. The sound of him shaking his collar, the dog door slapping, his bed by the fireplace, the slurping as he licks my brother's face, and his whining when i got to the door with my suitcase - begging to be petted. The loss is palpable and we are worse for his absence, though there are a TON of funny and happy memories.

OK, on a lighter note.

Today my mom and I went shopping to help get me ready for the wedding. I love my mom - love shopping with her. She was patient and allowed me to try on about a million different tops with the skirt that I tucked away in my purse so we could match the colors. And then she spent another 30 minutes with me in the jewelry section as we tried to find "just the right necklace". :) Happy day. Later my dad, mom and I drove out looking at houses for one of his clients......... we looked at two (from the street) in particular. They were ginormous. One of them was $6 million (no exaggeration) the other was $3.5. yeah. I'm hoping that we can look at some other biggies on Monday.

On to Hinds' Feet. Did you know that a "Hind" is a female deer. I did not, so I looked it up.

I'm currently reading "Hinds' Feet on High Places" by Hannah Hurnard. If you are a believer in Jesus - and have not read it, pick it up and read at least to page 80. (I can't recommend it yet further than that - i'm only on 80 myself, but my expectations are high that it will continue to be phenomenal) Its an allegory about the Christian's walk with Jesus, represented by a woman named "Much Afraid" and being accompanied to the high places by two companions "Sorrow" and "Suffering".

WOW. thats all there is to it.

Here is an excerpt. (and before I forget, another recommendation: "The Autobiography of George Muller" - its about $5 online. must read, must own!)

"The high places," answered the Shepherd, " are the starting places for the journey down to the lowest place in the world. When you have deer's feet and can go 'leaping on the mountains and skipping on the hills,' you will be able, as I am, to run down from the heights in gladdest self-giving and then go up to the mountains again." (p. 60)
"Joy and Peace. Are those the companions you would have chosen for yourself? You remember your promise, to accept the helpers that I would give, because you believed that I would choose the very best possible guides for you.....Fear not, Much Afraid, only believe. I promise that you shall not be put to shame. Go with Sorrow and Suffering, and if you cannot welcome them now, when you come to the difficult places where you cannot manage alone, put your hands in their confidently and they will take you exactly where I want you to go."
She looked at him and said, "Do I wish to turn back? O Shepherd, to whom should I go?.... Help me to trust you as much as I long to love you." (pp. 66-67)

And on that note, may you be blessed tonight beyond your own understanding and may you find that the Great Shepherd has indeed layed out a table before you in front of your enemy, but that you can sup there in safety and confidence.

Love, me.

Friday, March 11, 2005

The Latest

Wow - I thought JUNE had a lot of birthdays.... March seems to be a biggie, too.
My brother turns 28 on the 31st.
Jenn turned 22 on the 7th.
Ashley and Hilary (the lambert twins) turned 19 on the 10th.
AND Bethany turns 24 (?yes?) on the 13th.

I can only remember dates, not ages. And dates not well. Especially if they fall after FB camp begins.

Thursday, March 03, 2005



If you have a few minutes, I encourage you to check out this attached article, written from the perspective of a 30-something single woman in the last couple years. (She is now married.)

I think that its a SUPER call for single people and married people to forget about their "status" and simply serve. Which (most days) is my motto as well.

For the hesitant - here is an excerpt:
Had I any vague premonition of my present plight when I was six, I would have demanded that Stephen Herbison (incontestably the catch of the second grade) put his marriage proposal into writing and have it notarized. I do want this piece to be practical, so to all you first-graders: CARPE DIEM.
